Chapter Sixteen

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Damon and Annabelle had spent the day rather productively, ish... They had decorated a nursery for the little one growing inside Annabelle's stomach after Annabelle had sucked it up and moved back into the Salvatore Boarding House. The apartment that she had moved into when the whole thing with Katherine happened wasn't big enough for the two of them, never mind her, Damon and their child.

The nursery that they had decorated was a sea blue and then there was a sea theme throughout the entire room. There were seaweed stickers and mermaids and mermen, different fish and underwater creatures. Only the best could be supplied for their soon to be born daughter (Yes, they went for an ultrasound, yes it was a girl, aren't they lucky?). They had stuck with the name that they had decided when they had gotten back together - Caitlin. And it was painted in black calligraphy across where the baby's crib was. There were bookshelves dotted around the room, scarcely decorated by books. There were a couple of different Disney illustrated books, early editions. However the shelves was mostly decorated by the teddies that Annabelle had gotten a little carried away with on their trip to the toy store. Next to the bookshelves there was a large cabinet, containing clothes for the girl - onesies, little designer jeans and shirts, shoes. Then there was also the collection of nappies, dummies and different things that would be needed to make life easier with a baby. 

It was now a couple of weeks since Damon had found out that Annabelle had found out that she was pregnant, things with Katherine had been quiet although Damon was still fuming about the whole thing. Annabelle was definitely excited to be having a baby, but the one thing she wasn't happy about? She was showing, her stomach was now a rounded bump, she was not impressed. 

"I'm so fat..." she muttered as she walked over to Damon who was lying on their bed. He had his arms behind his head and he hair was messy as he'd recently gotten out of the shower, which Annabelle had joined, I mean, would you refuse an offer like that? He was wearing just boxers and a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips. He looked like a Greek God lying there, and Annabelle was convinced that she looked like a potato. 

She had gone from wearing all of this sexy lingerie for him - lace bra and panties sets, short and revealing nighties - to two piece pajama sets that completely covered her up. She'd been slim her entire life, and she was glad for the simple fact that she didn't like this. 

"You're not fat, you're anything but," Damon murmured, pulling her over to the bed and positioning her so that she was straddling his hips.

"I am, are you blind? Look!" she said, pointing as she poked to her stomach. Before she could do anything to react, she was pinned underneath Damon and he'd lifted her shirt to uncover her stomach, he was lightly kissing over her stomach and she was giggling.

"This is not fat..." he murmured, "This, is proof of our love. This is our baby girl cooking up inside you, almost ready to pop out. This is the world's way of showing us how we're meant to be together and that's that. You're the most beautiful woman that I know and all that matters is that I love you."

 Annabelle's cheeks blushed to a deep read, he always knew exactly what to say to her, he made her weak at the knees, "I love you too..." she mumbled quietly, watching him as he pressed his forehead to her stomach. She smiled softly, running her hands through his hair. It was soft, and floppy, he really needed a haircut, but she had stopped him every time that he had suggested going, she loved running her hands through his hair. "If you really loved me, you'd go and buy me cookie dough ice cream..." Annabelle started, returning to their previous argument. Annabelle had decided that she wanted ice cream, and she wasn't going to stop until she got some...Even if it was midnight. 

"If I went and bought ice cream now, I'd go out looking how I do now and girls would keep looking at me and you'd be super super jealous, you always are..." he said with a soft chuckle. Annabelle replied to this with a pout and Damon shrugged, kissing the pout that had formed on her lips, murmuring, "I've always told you that I'm going to kiss you each and every time you pout at me."

Annabelle giggled and looked at him, "All the more reason to pout."


It was now the next morning and Annabelle was sitting in a coffee shop with Damon and once again, she was in the position where she was sitting sulking. They'd always said that you're not allowed coffee when you're pregnant, something that was growing to be a pain in her ass, especially considering that it was International Coffee Day and she was surrounded by people drinking coffee. But no, here she was, sipping from a cup of green tea.

"Damon baby...You know how you love me?" Annabelle asked, trying her best to look cute.

"You're not having any coffee, end of, drink your tea," Damon said simply, taking a sip of the latte that was set in front of him. Annabelle pouted and carried on taking sips of her tea, glancing up as she saw none other than Katherine standing on the door way.

"Seriously? No coffee and now here? God, kick a girl when she's down," Annabelle mumbled, keeping her eyes on Katherine. Katherine looked around, clearly surveying the room, probably looking out for Klaus or Elijah. Annabelle had told them what Katherine had done to her and Damon, so they naturally were protective of their baby sister and were now pissed at Katherine. 

Katherine's eyes settled on Annabelle and she walked over to the both of them, Annabelle's eyes growing wide as Katherine walked closer, she chose to sit down at the chair across from her and Damon. Annabelle's blood was practically boiling, Damon was trying to soothe her, rubbing his fingers over the palm of her hands. 

Katherine looked at them simply, turning her head to the side as she often did, "We have things to discuss."

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