Part 12: A Visit

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After Esmeralda returned to her own chambers, she slumped into her bed and glued her eyes to the ceiling in attempt to contemplate the past events.

It's clear to her now that her affection for Sebastian is not one-sided. He definitely feels something beautiful for her, it's just that Esmeralda finds it extremely hard to believe.

The fact that bothers her the most, why did Sebastian take her in ten years ago in the first place? Did he take in all stray children he stumbled across?

She sighed. That's quite possible.

But she can't shake off the feeling that there's something more to her, and when she thinks about that, her scar-like birthmark immediately comes to her mind.

It's also evident that Sebastian's hiding something from her, regarding the scar. Cressida didn't try to shock or confuse Esmeralda back then, there was no use using sneaky means of disarming her opponent, especially when Esmeralda's just a human in contrast to vampire Cressida.

The scar means something.

And this Teo... Esmeralda couldn't believe that he's done something so horrible to be imprisoned in the deepest and darkest level of the dungeons, all alone. Judging by his voice and manner of speaking, he must be her age, maybe a little older.

Esmeralda continued with her musings, eyelids gradually dropping, till she lulled herself to sleep with her own thoughts.


Esmeralda woke up to someone's knocking at the door.

"Y-Yes!" she perked up, still half-asleep.

Sebastian walked in, making Esmeralda regret reacting to the knock so quickly – her hair was a mess, eyes still droopy as she stared at the vampire, the situation gradually sinking in.

Yet Sebastian couldn't help but think how adorable she looked with this tuft of voluminous black locks around her hair, and wide doe eyes staring right at him.

"I apologize; I woke you up."

"N-no," Esmeralda objected at once, quickly bringing herself to order by raking fingers through her hair. "I thank you, actually, it was about time I woke up."

"I can wait outside if you –"

"No, no, don't bother!" Esmeralda was now fighting really hard not to blush as she stood up and quickly wound her silk robe around her petite frame.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm – I'm really great, actually," Esmeralda noted, amazed herself. "What was in that medicine the nurse gave me...?"

Sebastian chuckled quietly, making Esmeralda's heart flutter and eyes widen even more with something light and sweet in them. "Something brilliant, apparently."

Esmeralda sneaked a look at the mirror to make sure she's decent.

"I came to see you rather early because I'm eager for you to meet someone,"

Esmeralda's brows arched in genuine surprise, as her mouth formed a little 'o'.

"Can I expect you in the Great Hall in, say, an hour?"

"I'll be there in half." Esmeralda piped up.

"Brilliant." Sebastian gave her a satisfied half-smile before leaving.

She dressed up and fashioned her hair in a low bun, letting little locks in front frame her face. After no time she was fully ready and made her way to the Great Hall.

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