His Anchor

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    It was that time of month again. It was another full moon and the pack were getting ready everything to go to Lydia’s lakehouse. Ever since then, the pack has been going there every full moon. That was why until now, Natalie Martin was still curious as to why there were scratch marks on the basement walls and floors. Scott had Liam to teach him how to control more of his powers, while Stiles had Malia.

    However, there was another member that was added to the pack. After surviving the fire and after long research through the Bestiary, Jordan Parrish finally knew what he was. A Barghest. A Hellhound. He couldn’t react much when he found out what he was. All he could say was “Oh.”

It all started on a Friday night when Lydia went straight to the station after school to continue their research. Lydia knew she was getting close to finding out what he was.

    Lydia immediately went straight to the Sheriff’s station right after school. She has been spending time with Jordan more often ever since she offered him help to find out what he is. Lydia stepped inside the station and Jordan could hear that familiar click of a heel every time she walks. He looked up from his desk and the first thing he saw was that familiar strawberry blonde hair. She was standing by the Sheriff’s office, while she talked to the Sheriff before walking towards his desk.

    “Hi!” She smiled at him, while Jordan gave her a small smile.

    “Hey Lydia. How are you?” Jordan asked, closing his laptop.

    “I’m good.” Lydia smiled, sitting on the chair in front of his desk. “How is the research going?”

Jordan frowned and shrugged. “It’s alright I guess. I still don’t know what I am.”

Lydia nodded and picked up the Bestiary sitting on his desk and flipped through the page where they left off.

The two worked together until midnight. Sheriff told Lydia to go home before leaving the station, but Lydia insisted to stay. Jordan and Lydia were the only ones left on the station by the time it was 1:30 in the morning. Lydia couldn’t help but yawn from time to time, and Jordan could see the tiredness from her eyes.

    “I think we should continue this again tomorrow.” Jordan said, getting up from his chair.

Lydia shook her head and glanced up to him. “No, I’m fine. I could stay.”

Jordan sighed. Lydia and her stubbornness. He should be used to it by now. After days of working together, he knew Lydia could be stubborn sometimes.

    “Alright. I’ll make you some coffee then.” Jordan said, walking away and walking towards the break room.

Jordan poured coffee on the two cups and poured two sugars on Lydia’s. They have been working so long together that Jordan knew how to make her coffee just perfect for her. By the time Jordan came back to his office, Lydia was standing by his desk with her eyes widened. Jordan immediately set the two cups of coffee down on his desk and walked towards her.

    “Lydia?” Jordan asked. “Are you alright?”

Lydia looked down at the book and then back up to him again.

 “I… I know what you are.”

That was when Jordan knew what he was. Lydia and Jordan immediately told Scott and the rest of the pack. Derek read the details about what a Barghest was and warned everyone that when his eyes turned orange, he could easily kill someone if they stared right on his eyes three or more times. That was when Jordan started to avoid Lydia during full moons. However, that didn’t stop Lydia from coming to him and asking if he needed help.

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