A Morning Distraction

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    Jordan Parrish squinted as soon as he opened his eyes. The sun was bright and clear shining through the white curtains of their room. He then realized the annoying sound of the alarm clock, so he quickly turned it off and turned to his side. In surprised, he saw an empty space next to him. Usually he would wake up with Lydia’s head on his chest or she would be sleeping peacefully next to him. That was why it made Jordan felt worried.
    “Lydia?” He called out.
No answer.
He called out her name again, but there was no answer at all. Jordan quickly got up from the bed and walked towards their bathroom to see if she was there but nothing. It was empty. Jordan looked at the clock and quickly got dressed to his uniform before walking out of the room and walked downstairs to hear something sizzling from the kitchen.
    “Lydia?” He called.
    “In here.” She called out from the kitchen.
A relief washed over him when he heard that familiar voice of hers. With the supernatural creatures running around the town, he tends to get worried when he doesn’t know where his wife is. Jordan walked towards the kitchen and from the few minutes since he woken up, he already had two surprises. Lydia was wearing nothing but her underwear and his shirt that goes down to her thighs. Jordan’s mouth went dry from the sight.
    “Morning!” Lydia smiled brightly as she set the bacon and eggs on their dining table.
Jordan knew exactly what she was doing. She has been complaining that he has been working too hard and that she barely sees him anymore. Jordan remembered their conversation clearly last night before they both fell asleep.

    “Why don’t you take a day off?” Lydia suggested, turning to face him.
    “As much as I want to, I can’t, Lyds. There are too much going on and Sheriff needs me.” Jordan sighed, brushing her hair gently.
Lydia sighed and turned her back around to him. Jordan could see that she really did miss being with him, and Jordan felt the same but he also knew that he was needed at the station.
    “C’mon, Lyds. Don’t be mad at me.” He used his pleading voice as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close to him.
    “Goodnight, Jordan.” Lydia murmured, pulling the blanket close to her and closing her eyes.
Jordan sighed as he planted a kiss on her temple before falling asleep too.

    “Um… Good morning.” Jordan said. “You’re… you’re not mad?”
Lydia looked up to him and shook her head. She smiled as she walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
    “Nope.” She smiled, giving him a peck on the lips.
Jordan smiled as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her passionately. Both of their lips moved, and Lydia deepened the kiss. That was when Jordan realized he was late for work. He slowly pulled away from the kiss.
    “I have to go.” He said.
    “But I made you breakfast.” Lydia pouted, not letting go of his waist.
    “Please?” Lydia gave him the puppy dog eyes that Jordan couldn’t resist.
He sighed and kissed her head. “Alright, but I know exactly what you are doing, Mrs. Parrish.”
Lydia chuckled as they both sat on their dining table. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jordan raised an eyebrow at her, chuckling and started eating his food. Lydia couldn’t help but smile and watch her husband eat. She thought it was adorable to watch him devour his food so fast. She glanced at the clock and saw that Jordan had five minutes until he was going to be late for work. Lydia knew exactly what she was going to do for the next five minutes.
    Lydia got up from her chair and sat on Jordan’s lap wrapping an arm around his neck.
    “Hungry much?” She giggled, kissing his cheek.
Jordan smiled as he wrapped an arm around her waist and swallowed the food on his mouth.
    “Well, my wife cooks so good.” Jordan said. “And did I tell you that you looked so good with my shirt on?”
    “Oh really?” Lydia leaned her face closer to him. “Do I?”
Jordan hummed softly, nodding his head before leaning in and closing the gap between them. His lips touched hers so softly and suddenly, their lips were moving together. Jordan’s other hand caressing her bare thigh up and down as Lydia let out a small moan, making her deepen the kiss. Jordan took Lydia in his arms and walked towards their living room, not breaking the kiss. He set her on the couch and he soon hovered over her.
    Lydia started fumbling on the buttons of his uniform. She slowly slipped his shirt off from his shoulders when his phone rang from his pocket. They first ignored the ring but as soon as the phone rang the third time, Jordan knew it was something important.
    “Ugh!” Lydia rolled her eyes, pulling away from the kiss.
Jordan fixed himself as he sat on the couch. He glanced down at the phone and it was Sheriff who was calling. He cursed under his breath when he saw the time on the phone. He knew Sheriff was going to ask him why he wasn’t at the station yet.
    “He...Hello?” Jordan answered nervously.
    “Jordan, I was going to call you to say to take the day off.” Sheriff said through the other line. “Just take the day off and spend it with Lydia.”
    “But Sheriff, what about the  other-”
    “Don’t worry about it. I’ll let the others handle it.” Sheriff Stilinski hung up the phone before Jordan could argue back.
Lydia glanced up to Jordan. “What happened?”
    “Sheriff told me to take a day off.”
Lydia smiled brightly, taking the phone from his hand. “Well, Deputy, where were we?”
Jordan looked down at his wife with a bright smile on his face. He took her in his arms and carried her upstairs in their bedroom.
    “I need that shirt of mine on the floor.” He whispered on her ear, setting her on the bed, while Lydia giggled softly, looking up to him. She could definitely thank Stiles later for convincing his father.

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