Signed Up

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"Nina, go sign up!" My friend Evelyn, nudged me towards the registration booth. "Heck yeah I will! This is my chance." I said, quickly walking away from Evelyn and straight up to the booth.

"Are you intrested in any summer internship?" The ebony haired woman asked with a smile. "Um yeah. What internships are still available?" I questioned, hoping I could still join the SpaceX program. "Well there's still the Community College Stockroom, the Public library, Downtown business, and the last one which nobody registered for, SpaceX."

"Yes! I'm gonna get this spot!" I mentally cheered, feeling a smile spread across my face. "Can I sign up for the SpaceX internship program?" I asked, taking out my favorite pen
from my pencil pouch. "Of course, go ahead and sign up sweetie." The women replied, handing me the clipboard form sheet.

I write down my name, email and telephone number, and give the board back to the lady. "Alrighty, that's all. You'll get an email from the program if their intrested in an interview." "Oh okay. Thank you." I bow my head (which I don't know why but I just do naturaly) towards her, thanking her one last time, before walking towards my group of friends.

"Aahh! I freakin did it, my dudes! I really just signed up for the SpaceX internship and I'm literally dying inside!" I exaggerate, trying to keep myself from doing a dramatic fit in-front of the whole school and embarrassing myself.

"Oh bro don't trip, you gonna finally meet your man." My bestfriend Gizzelle stated, while she ate all of my goldfishes. "Biss! I probably will never meet him since he's a busy man and if I did, he wouldn't pay attention to me." I declared, taking a bite from my PB&J sandwich.

"Ooo Nina go get your Sugar Daddy!" My other friend Heidi remarked, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "OH MY GOSH HEIDI! Stawp It!" I bust out, laughing uncontrollably. "Yeah, I'll just show up and be like "Where's my Papi Chulo?"!" I joke, feeling myself turn red as the words fall out.

"Yeah, go for it! It's Elon Musk!" All my friends in unison declared. "I'll just wait and see if they contact me, then I'll see if I get accepted. And if all goes well then maybe I could meet him. Now hurry up, I don't want to be late for Bio." I mention, quickly walking into the hallway.

"You're such a nerd, Nina. Only you would want to get to class earlier than everyone else, especially for AP Biology." Evelyn stated, as we got close to my class. "I'm trying to pass the exam bro, okay. So see you guys later, homies." I waved, entering my AP Biology classroom ready to die for not doing the homework assigned.

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