Chapter 1

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Stress.Stress.STRESS! Arghh... So many things to do. I just wanna get my gun and shoot my head so I won't do anymore paperworks. Being a Mafia Boss is hard (that's what she said). Too many to kill and too much paperworks to do.

I just closed my laptop and went to my room to change. I wore a black brassiere,black underwear,black hoodie,and black jeans. Don't judge my clothes. This is what I mostly wear,black. Black is my favorite color. Where do you think I got the name "Black Psycho?"

I went out my mansion and started walking to a random place,not even caring if it's dark already. I mean I am a mafia boss. So what the fuck would happen to me?

While walking,I ended up in a park. So I just sat on a bench. After a good ten minutes,I decided to just go back home because why not?

I stood up when I heard whimpering. I looked around and I heard it again. It was behind a bush. I went to look behind the bush and saw a guy with fluffy ears. I was confused and remembered that hybrids exists here. I said to the hybrid:

Y/N: Hey... *soft voice*

He turned around and saw him crying while holding his leg.

Y/N: Hey,what's wrong?

He just whimpered. So I just kneel down and saw he had a wound on his leg. I look at him and said:

Y/N: Hey... I won't hurt you. I promise. But can you change back to your hybrid form so I could carry you to my house. I have to treat your wound. Okay?

He just nodded then changed back to his hybrid form. I carried him carefully and put him inside my hoodie so he won't get cold. I then started walking to my house.

I arrived and went inside. I put him on my couch carefully and went to get my aid kit. I started treating his wound and bandaged it. I saw him sleeping in his hybrid form still and I carried him to his own room so that he could rest. I left and closed the door quietly so he wouldn't wake up from his sleep. I went to my room and change.

Y/N: Big day tomorrow since i have a hybrid now. *sighs*

I then fell asleep.

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