Chapter 5

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After cooking breakfast, I called the boys down to eat.

Y/N: Boys, come down and eat!

The boys: Coming! (Omg me and my dirty mind🤦‍♀️)

They went to the table and ate the cooked food that I just cooked.

Yoongi: Ouch! My zoung hurz (my tongue hurts)

Y/N: Hey, sweetie... be careful... it's hot (like me) (jk jk)

Yoongi: Sorry,noona.

Y/N: *chuckles* It's okay, baby

Jin: Mmm... noona. The food is so yummy. When we have free time, can you teach me how to cook?

Y/N: Sure,sweetie. I don't mind teaching you.

Namjoon: Can you teach me too? I wanna learn!

Jin: You aren't allowed!

Namjoon: Why?!

Jin: Before you would pick-up the pan, it's just going to break! *laughs*

Yoongi: Hyungie is right! I remember the time you picked up the toy car then the wheels went off.

Namjoon: That was just one time!

JinGi: It still happened though!

Y/N: Okay okay stop. Just finish your food already okay?

The boys: Yes,noona...

Then they continued eating their food until the plate is empty.

After eating, they went to the movie room to watch a movie. You went on your own way. You went straight to your office to check something. After a few minutes, your phone ringed. You answered it.

Y/N: Hello?

???: Hello, ma'am?

Y/N: Oh, Sungsoo! Why did you call me?

Sungsoo: Oh! Well, I just want to tell you that there's a new mission.

Y/N: Oh sure. What is it?

Sungsoo: There is a club full of mobsters and mafias. Our enemy has been there always at night. It has been said that he kills and hurts hybrids and one of our priority is to kill people who hurts hybrids.

Knowing this kind of information made your blood boiled. I mean why would someone hurt innocent hybrids. They do nothing but to follow their owner's rules and sit still and look pretty all the time.

Y/N: We are starting tonight right?

Sungsoo: Yes, ma'am.

Y/N: Good *smirks* What time?

Sungsoo: He usually comes at 9 pm. So you might go there a few minutes at 9.

Y/N: Oh sure. Thanks

Someone then knocks your office door. Then 3 of your hybrids went in.

Jin: Noona?

Y/N: Wait. I might have to hang up now, Sungsoo.

Sungsoo: Yeah sure.

Y/N: Thank you for the information, Sungsoo.

Sungsoo: You're welcome, ma'am.

Y/N: *hangs up*

Yoongi: Noona?

Y/N: Yes baby?

Namjoon: Can we go and play outside at the backyard?

Y/N: Yeah sure. Better be back later okay? Be careful always.

The boys: We will,noona!

Then they went outside and played who knows what they are playing.

It's already night time and the boys are watching TV now. It's already 9 pm.

Y/N: Babies, go to sleep now. It's already 9 pm.

The boys: Yes, noona... Goodnight.

Y/N: Goodnight, boys. Love you

The boys: Love you too, noona. *blushes*

You kissed their foreheads one by one. They even blushed more. They just hid their faces and went to their own room.

Y/N: *chuckles* They're so damn cute. Well... Let me get ready now.

You went to your secret room and started getting ready. This is your dress that you are going to wear to the club:

(You can imagine a dress you want to wear other than this) (Your choice)

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(You can imagine a dress you want to wear other than this) (Your choice)

Y/N: Let's get it! (Jungkook vibes anyone? Just me? Okay)

This is Chapter 5, my lovelies💜. I'm sorry if I haven't posted for a year... I guess...? Haha. Sorry again. Btw I have a Tiktok Account! Yassss my username is zinni_lee_army. The name is BTS ARMY ZINNI. So yeah. That's all. I love you all, my lovelies💜

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