Chapter 3

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It was another hybrid. He is tall,has broad broad shoulders,plump lips,and a handsome face. His clothes were ripped and has some bruises on his arms. He looked up to me and said:

H/N: P-Please H-help m-me...

He was shivering. I mean it is really cold this night. I let him in and led him to the sofa.

Y/N: Namjoon,get him clothes from your closet.

Namjoon: Yes,noona.

He immediately went to his room to get some clothes.

Y/N: Hey,sweetie. Stay here and I will get the aid kit. I have to treat the bruises on your arms.

H/N: O-Okay...

I run to the kitchen and tried finding the kit. After a few seconds,I found it. I immediately went to the bruised hybrid. I treated his bruises. After a minute of treating him,Namjoon came with some clothes. He then handed me his clothes.

Y/N: Here. Change your clothes with this. The bathroom is just beside the kitchen. You can go and change there.

He nodded and went to the bathroom. Namjoon sat beside me and asked.

Namjoon: Noona, are you going to let him stay here?

Y/N: I don't know yet. We should be asking him first though.

Namjoon: Okay,noona.

After a while,the hybrid went out the bathroom and into the living room. I smiled at him and told him to sit down. He did what I said.

Y/N: So,what's your name,sweetie?

H/N: My name is Jin,Master.

Y/N: You don't have to call me Master,baby.

Namjoon: Yeah. Just call her Noona 'cause that's what I call her.

Jin: O-Okay...

Y/N: Btw,how old are you,Jinnie?

Jin: I'm 20 years old.

Namjoon: Oh,you're older than me. I will call you Jinnie hyung.

Then he showed his famous dimple smile. I chuckled and look at Jin again.

Y/N: So do you want to stay here or do you have an owner?

Jin: I have an owner but he hurt me and kicked me out.

He was about to cry and I hugged him immediately. He started crying on my shoulder. Namjoon also joined the hug.

Namjoon: It's okay,Jinnie hyung. You can stay here if you want. You're now part of the family. Our family.

Jin: Are you sure? *sniffles*

Y/N: Of course,sweetie. You can stay here.

Jin: Yay! Thank you, noona. But noona...?

Y/N: Yes,Jinnie?

Jin: What about my clothes? Master doesn't buy me clothes. I also wear the same clothes everyday.

Y/N: Don't worry,Jinnie. I'll call someone to buy clothes for you.

Namjoon: Noona! How come Jinnie hyung has a nickname and not me?

Y/N: Aw,Joonie... How about Joonie is your nickname?

Namjoon: Okay,noona!

Y/N: Well do you guys want to sleep now or eat then sleep?

Jin: I already ate,noona. Before I was kicked out,I ate some food in Master's fridge.

Y/N: Jinnie,don't call him Master ever again. Because he doesn't deserve being called Master. And he doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone better,a better owner.

Jin: Yeah. Just like noona.

Y/N: Aw,thank you,Jinnie. Well let's all sleep now. Btw Namjoon,can you show Jinnie his room?

Namjoon: Okay,noona!

Y/N: Thank you,Joonie. Goodnight.

I kissed both of their foreheads. They blushed hard and just went upstairs quickly. I just chuckled and went to my room.

I changed to my sleepwear and slept.

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