Chapter 2

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I woke up early so that I could cook breakfast for both me and the hybrid. I went to change first to a nice clothing and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I am in the kitchen,thinking what to cook for breakfast. I then decided to cook strawberry pancakes. I already cooked 4 pancakes and decided to cook more incase he gets hungry. I mean he was like skin and bones the first time I met him. Gosh. What even happened to him?

While I was cooking,I heard footsteps. I looked back and saw the hybrid. I smiled at him and he gave me a small smile back. That's the first time I smiled my whole life. I always keep a straight face on.

He sat down on a stool near the counter. I looked at him and saw him bowing his head down. I went near him and put my finger on his chin so that he could face me. I smiled at him and said:

Y/N: Sweetie,you can eat now.

H/N: No. Master should eat first then Master give me leftover and me eat it.

Y/N: Aww,sweetie. You don't have to wait for me. Besides,I cooked all this for you. So eat.

H/N: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yes,baby.

He blushed at the pet name I called him and started eating. I giggled slightly and continued cooking. After a few minutes,I already finished cooking. I turned around so that I could put the pancakes on the counter when I saw that all the pancakes have been eaten. I widen my eyes and look at the hybrid. He looked back at me with a sad face.

H/N: I'm sorry,Master. Namjoon shouldn't have eaten all the food.

He was about to cry. I went to him and hug him while rubbing his back.

Y/N: It's okay,sweetie. Don't cry. Didn't I told you I cooked all this for you? So please don't cry,hm?

H/N: Okay.

I kissed his forehead and he blushed. I just smiled at him.

Y/N: By the way,was the food yummy?

He nods.

Y/N: Do you want to eat more?

He nods again.

Y/N: Here,you can eat more. Better than that,you can eat all of it.

H/N: YAY!!!

Then he started eating. I laughed at his childish act. While he was eating,I decided to ask him questions about himself.

Y/N: So,sweetie. What's your name?

H/N: My name is Namjoon,Master.

Y/N: Okay. So Namjoon,how old are you?

Namjoon: I am 18 years old,Master.

Y/N: Sweetie,you don't have to call me Master.

Namjoon: Okay. But can I call you Noona instead?

So he has a noona kink huh? (Kidding kidding)

Y/N: Sure baby. I don't mind.

Namjoon: Okay,noona.

Y/N: Are you done eating,baby?

Namjoon: Yes, noona.

Y/N: Good 'cause I am giving you a bath now.

Namjoon: Okay...

We both went to the bathroom. I told him to remove his clothes. While he was removing his clothes,I already finished preparing the bathub. I filled it with water. When I was done,I turned around and saw he was already naked. I saw his dick but I don't mind. It's not like I'm going to do anything about it right? He went in the bathub and I put the bath bomb.

Namjoon: Wah,Noona . Look at this. The water is now C/N.

Y/N: Yes it is,sweetie.

He giggled while playing in the water. After a while, he was done. He went out and I put a towel around him. We went to his room to get him some clothes. We went to his closet so that we could pick him clothes. He had clothes already in his closet 'cause I told one of my  workers to go buy some clothes for Namjoon.

I told Namjoon to choose the clothes he wants to wear. He saw an onesie and decided to wear it. He doesn't know how to wear it so I helped him. Of course,the boxers first before the onesie. Who doesn't wear underwears?

When I was done putting it on him, I took a step back and admired the cute hybrid infront me. His ears were visible aswell as his tail. Such a cutie.

We went downstairs 'cause we decided to watch movies while eating pizza. I ordered pizza while Namjoon is picking a movie to watch. After ordering,I sat down beside Namjoon on the couch and we started watching the movie he picked.

A few minutes later,a knock was heard on the door. I stood up to get it. I thought it was the pizza that arrived but it was something else. More like someone else. It was another hybrid.

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