Chapter 4

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Waking up again.... early in the morning. I look at my phone and saw it's still...
4:00 am?!
Damn that's the first time I woke up that early.
Instead of sleeping again,Imma just go outside and stroll around somewhere.

I went out of bed and went to my bathroom. Opened the shower and...

Y/N: Shit! That's so cold! For fucks sake!

I changed the level and...

Y/N: Fuck! That's too hot!

(Yeah like this)

(Yeah like this)

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(Jk jk)

So I changed the level of the water to warm.

Y/N: There... Just right. (Got7 anyone? Just me? Okay then)

After showering,I went out to get my clothes in the closet. I just wore a random jeans,shirt,and shoes. Went downstairs and went out quietly so I wouln't wake up my two sweetie pies (ew that's too cringey)

I was just walking when I arrived at the Han River. Beautiful... just like this masterpiece

I was just looking around somewhere when I saw a person on the edge of the bridge

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I was just looking around somewhere when I saw a person on the edge of the bridge. He was about to jump so I ran faster than Flash then pulled him to the ground. It was another hybrid.

H/N: What the fuck?!

Y/N: What the fucking fuck do you think you are doing?

H/N: Trying to attempt suicide...

Y/N: Are you crazy?! Do you think it's good to die?! Huh?!

H/N: Nobody likes me...

Y/N: What if I do?

He looks at me and says:

H/N: I'm a hybrid,no one will like me.

I just sighed and said to him:

Y/N: Come home with me and I will show you how it feels to be loved by someone. (Why the fuck am I cringey?!)

H/N: Okay...

We both stood up and went to my house ehem... i mean mansion. While walking to the mansion,you asked him what's his name and age is.

H/N: My name is Yoongi and I am 19 years old. Can I call you noona...?

Y/N: Of course you can,sweetheart.

We arrived in our house ehem... i mean mansion.

H/N: Wow! It's so big! (😏)

Y/N: Shh... You have to keep quiet. We don't wanna wake up the others.

H/N: Others?

Y/N: I have two other hybrids to take care of...

Then we both we both went inside. Once we were inside,you both saw a hybrid rubbing his eyes still half asleep.

???: Noona...?

You went to him and hugged him.

Y/N: Yes,it's me,Jinnie Baby...

Jin: Noona,who's that?

He said pointing to the hybrid.

Y/N: Don't point,baby. His name is Yoongi. He's going to be your new brother. You are also a year older than him.

Yoongi: Hi Hyung... 👋

Jin: Hi new brother. Let's go to my room and watch some movies while Joonie is asleep. You're older than him because he is just 18 years old. Btw let's go now

He dragged Yoongi upstairs to his room and watched movies together. You just laughed at Jin's actions and went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for the boys.
(Btw Namjoon just woke up and is inside with the two other boys.)

540 words including this...

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