Chapter 6

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It was already 9:30 pm when I arrived at the club using my car. I went inside the club and saw many mobsters and all that shit with their hybrid/s.

I was trying to find my target. And luckily, I found him. There he was, looking like an idiotic freak with its innocent hybrid. I feel bad for the hybrid 'cause I can see some bruises on his arms. I knew something was up with that mobster guy. I knew him from before.


Mobster Guy: We want you to help us.

Y/N: In what?

Mobster Guy: In selling drugs

Y/N: Sorry but I don't use or sell drugs,Mr.Red-EyeD.

I called him that because his eyes were red 'cause of him using drugs. Eek get some help.

Mobster Guy: You motherfucker!

Y/N: Sorry but I don't fuck with mothers.

Mobster Guy: You bitch! *tries to slap me*

Y/N: *dodges* Sorry but I ain't a female dog. (Me tryna throw comebacks using logic)

I punched and kicked him at the side of his stomach and aimed at his crotch. He fell down on the floor while holding his non-existent dick.

Mobster Guy: Ugh! I give up. You're gonna pay next time!

Then he went off to his car. Going back to God knows where.

~End of Flashback~

Yup... I still remember him. Hope I get his dick cut off and feed it to himself. You gotta let the fatty suck his own damn dick.

I went to where he was.

Mobster Guy: Oh hello pretty~ Why is a beautiful girl like you in a place like this?

I guess he doesn't remember me then. Better play with him.

Y/N: Oh~ Nothing... I was just bored and just found you here. I decided to go here 'cause I was attracted by you.

Mobster Guy: Oh~ what a cutie you are hehe

Ew gross. You breath smells like my uncle's dirty sock.

Mobster Guy: Come and sit with us. So why are you here?

Y/N: Came here with a friend. I lost her so now I'm now stuck with you.

Mobster Guy: Well~ while waiting you can stay with us for a while.

Y/N: Us?

Mobster Guy: Mhm yes. With me and my hybrid. But don't mind my hybrid. He has nothing to do with the two of us.

You fatty ass hoe. I'm gonna kill you later.

Y/N: Oh sure haha. Hope you don't mind getting me a drink.

Mobster Guy: Yeah sure. Just wait for me here.

Then he went off to the bar to get some drinks.

You scooted yourself next to the hybrid.

Y/N: Hello,sweetie. *smiles*

Hybrid: H-Hello... *smiles*

Y/N: Does he abuse you,sweetie?

Hybrid: H-How did y-you know?

Y/N: Shhh... I have a mission. And that mission is to save you. I save hybrids from being abused then I either keep them or adopt them to a better and caring owner. *smiles*

Hybrid: Y-You will h-help m-me?

Y/N: I will, sweetie. I promise. Just wait,okay?

Hybrid: O-okay *smiles sweetly*

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