Chapter 9

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The next morning, I woke up early. I woke up at like... 5:30 am. Yes that's early. I usually don't wake up that early cause...I don't sleep duh 🙄. Other than that... so I did my usual morning routine. After that, I went downstairs to cook breakfast early for my lovely boys. After cooking, I went to cover up the food so the hungry ants won't eat the food I cooked for the boys. (Mga patay-gutom kase ang mga langgam na areh BWAHAHA)

I went to my garage to pick a car to go to the company because of the stray hybrid that they let in yesterday. I picked my Tesla and went away to the company.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the company. (I'M HERE PD OPPA jk jk) Some of the workers are already there since they still haven't finish their shift. I went to say good morning to each of them who I passed through the hallway. I went to a certain room where my workers told me where the hybrid was. But one thing is that every step I go near the room, screams and shouts gets louder. (JUST SCREAM AND SHOUT AND LET IT ALL OUT sorry i'll continue)  I opened the door and I saw a mess...a wtf is happening here? I just see some of my workers and the hybrid. The hybrid is being a mad (hoo)man right now.


They all stopped and looked at my direction. The workers went a bit far away from the hybrid.

W#1: W-we were trying t-to feed the hybrid, m-ma'am.

W#2: B-but he didn't w-want to e-eat.

W#3: W-we tried to force f-feed h-him cause he was t-too s-skinny.

Y/N: ... *soft voice* I'll handle this. You all can go now. I appreciate your help.

The workers then went outside back to their training sessions or shift. I looked at the hybrid and took one step slowly because I didn't want to scare him. He flinched a bit but relaxed after. I then walked but slowly aswell so I still wouldn't scare him. When I was near him, he looked up to me since he was crouching in a corner. I then bend down to his level and gave him a soft smile.

Y/N: Hey, babyboy. I'm sorry if I scared you earlier when I shouted here. I had to make them stop because I saw you were scared.

???: ...

Y/N: Come here... I'll feed you.

I get the soup on the table at a part of the room and went back to the hybrid. I tried feeding him but he was a still a bit hesitant. I reassured him and then he opened his mouth. I put the spoon in his mouth and he sipped the soup from the spoon. I smiled at how cute he is.

After eating soup, I called a worker to bring more food. It's better to eat twice so he won't be skinny anymore. They brought more food in the room and went out so they wouldn't disturb us. I fed him more until his stomach was satisfied.

Y/N: Hey, babyboy. Wanna take a bath?

???: ...ok...

Y/N: Okay. Let's go. *smiles*

We both went to the bathroom in my private room. Once we arrived, I prepared the tub with soap.

Y/N: Okay. The tub is done. You can strip and then go in the bathub.

He was about to strip his clothes but then looked at me and blushed. I laughed and turned around to give him privacy. When I heard him sink into the bathub, I turned around and he is already in the tub.

Y/N: Do you want to bathe on your own or...?

???: Please help me. I-I don't know how to bathe myself.

Y/N: *laughs softly* Okay, babyboy.

I helped him scrub his body with soap. I let him scrub himself for his lower parts since I might scrub something I shouldn't and he might get uncomfortable. I was putting shampoo already in his hair when he asked me.

???: Ummm... May I know what your name is?

Y/N: Oh, my name is Y/N. How about you babyboy?

???: My name is Jimin.

Y/N: How old are you?

Jimin: I'm 17...

Y/N: I'm older than you.

Jimin: Really? How old are you then?

Y/N: Well... I'm 21 years old.

Jimin: Oh you are older than me, Noona. Usually I'm the oldest in the group.

Y/N: Group?

Jimin: Yeah... Group. I have a group. We were being chased by bad people so we had to run away. But I lost my group. I don't know where they went. So I just rest in a building.

Y/N: So that's how you ended up here?

Jimin: Yeah...

His face looked sad. I mean... Who wouldn't be sad when you lose your group or your friends?

Y/N: Hey... Jimin baby... Don't be sad. I promise you that we will find your friends.

Jimin: How? I don't even know if they got caught or not. Like... Are they okay? What are they doing now?

Y/N: Hey Hey, babyboy. Relax. We'll find them. I promise you that. They are fine. If we also see the bad people... I'll hurt them okay. Especially if they tried hurting you and your friends.

Jimin: Okay... Thank you, Noona.

Y/N: You're welcome, babyboy. Now let's finish your bath. *laughs*

Jimin: *giggles* Ok, noona.

Y/N: *thoughts* So cute ≧∇≦

So... Yeah. I'm back! Don't attack me for taking too long to update another chapter. I was running out of ideas aswell. So yeah btw I'm gonna update a new book. Please read it. It's just a short narrated kind of story. It's a true story about someone's life.

I'm just gonna show you the cover

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I'm just gonna show you the cover. Hope that gives you an idea about the upcoming story. Well, I'll end my note here. Bye! (*^3^)/~♡

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