Chapter 7

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???: Noona?

Y/N: Ow shi- Yes sweetie?

I turned to the voice's direction and saw...

Y/N: Oh what are you doing late at night?

Jin: I was about to get water when I heard the door opened. I thought it was you so... yeah

Y/N: Oh... So have you gotten your water already?

Jin: Yes I did, Noona. Wait- who is that guy behind you?

Y/N: *turns to look at Hoseok* Oh him? I'll explain it you and the boys tomorrow morning. Just sleep first okay?

Jin: *confused* Oh ok then? Night, Noona...

Y/N: Night,sweetie.

He then went upstairs and into his room again. I just gladly sighed and turned to look at Hoseok again.

Y/N: Come with me upstairs. You can sleep with me in my room first since I haven't prepared a room for you yet.

Hoseok: Oh ok then, Noona.

We both went upstairs to my room. I told him to take a shower and prepared clothes for him. It was just spare clothes from my closet. Don't ask how or why is it there. After he took a shower, he wore the clothes while slightly blushing since he was dressing up in my room while I was just laying in my bed. When he was done, I pat the other side of the bed and he lied down there.

Y/N: Let's sleep now. I bet you are tired so am I aswell.

Hoseok: I am, Noona. Thank you and goodnight, Noona.

Y/N: No problem,munchkin.

He slightly blushed again at the nickname I gave him.

It wasn't even 30 minutes yet but Hoseok was getting a bit naughty (no,not that, you horny asses.) He was squirming alot and it was getting a bit annoying. I figured that he couldn't sleep. So I held his arm.

Y/N: Can't sleep,munchkin?

He just nodded his head and pouts. I chuckled and smiled a bit cause I was still sleepy. I spooned him. He is the little spoon and I was the big spoon. He was a bit tense since he was just new to this feeling but he relaxed a bit and fell asleep immediately so did I. We spent the night cuddling.

<Next Morning>

I woke up early like... 9 am? Oof- nevermind. That's late already. Oh shit wait! I forgot to cook breakfast for the boys. I jumped out of the bed...slowly... cause I still have Hoseok with me on the bed. I brushed my hair and teeth. I didn't bother changing my clothes since I still have to feed them first. I have priorities damn it.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw them...eating? How? I was still looking at them confused. The boys looked at me, confused just like me but still greeted me.

Boys: Goodmorning,noona!

Y/N: Goodmorning... How?

Namjoon: What do you mean by "how" noona?

Y/N: How did you cook?

???: I was the one who cooked for them.

A man went inside the kitchen. I looked at the voice's direction and it was just... one of my closest worker, Junhee.

Y/N: How did you get here?

Junhee: Through the door, duh.

Y/N: Toućhe (I don't know if that's the spelling so correct me if I'm wrong thanks)

Junhee: You woke up late didn't you? Because of the puffernickel? (I'm sorry that was the first thing that came to my mind HAHAHA)

"Puffernickel" is the code name we use for mission. Since the boys don't know about me being a mafia. I had to keep it that way.

Y/N: Yeah... it was so exhausting and cause of the annoying peeps (people) there.

Yoongi: Puffernickel? What's that?

Y/N: Oh that's nothing.

Jin: Btw noona?

Y/N: Yes?

Jin: Who was that person with you last night?

Y/N: ...

Boys: ...

Junhee: ...Aight i'm out

He then sprinted out of the house and into God knows where the fuck he will go.

Y/N: Well... umm...

Then somebody went inside still half asleep.

Hoseok: Noona? *half asleep*

Boys: ...

Namjoon: Intruder!

Y/N: No! Wait-

Before I could finish my freaking sentence, they all changed into their hybrid form. Namjoon became a wolf, Jin became a fox and Yoongi became a cat...a persian cat specifically. Before they could attack Hoseok, he changed into his hybrid which is a dog and jumped into my arms. I caught him and hugged him immediately and shouted:

Y/N: Boys,stop!

The boys halted except for Hoseok. They were all in defense mode now. They got scared because I shouted at them. I explained it to them.

Y/N: Boys...

They huffed and changed back to their human form except Hobi who was still a dog in my arms.

Y/N: So this is the guy or hybrid that I brought home last night that Jin was talking about. I brought him here so he can have a better home and not with bad people. Okay? So you better welcome him and say sorry.

Hoseok then changed back to his human form. The boys didn't even try to move. Maybe they were still embarrassed after the incident just a few seconds ago. But then...Jin started walking towards Hoseok and hugged him. Hoseok flinched a but cause of the sudden hug that Jin gave him. Namjoon also went close to him and hugged him. Yoongi was still a bit unsure about Hoseok but he gave up and just hugged him aswell. The 3 boys then smiled a bit at Hoseok and looked at each other.

Boys: Welcome to your new

Awww such a cute ending for this chapter. Well this is the Chapter 7 you guys have been waiting for. And sorry for the late update. I gotta keep with my house chores. Also follow me on Twitter and open the notifications for all my tweets to be updated on the next chapters like you are waiting for. If you guys don't have Twitter...check my Instagram.
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That's all bye💜

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