Part 2- I wish to help you

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Sebastian pov~

I took hold of Tom as we were going outside after the comic con. At least nobody asked why I went with Tom. That's very good.

I look at Tom as I let him in my car while holding the door open for him. He doesn't look at me. That saddens me greatly.

As I climb in and start the car I decide to hold a little conversation with him.

„Hey do you want to go and eat something?" I ask him gently but he only shakes his head still not looking at me. „Okay, but do you want to go to my place then because then you don't have to stay in the hotel and I'd be happy to have someone to be with in my house" I say to him and wait for a answer.

„O-okay, but are you sure I won't be any trouble for you?" he asks me gently looking briefly at me. I smile at that.

„Of course, anything for you."


We have just arrived at my house. It's a normal house with mostly of the color of black, white and gray. Tom and I walk to the living room and sit down on the couch.

„Do you want something to eat or drink? Tea? Water? Or maybe something else?" I ask him standing up.

„If it's not much trouble then tea?" he tells me.

„No of course it's not trouble. Do you prefer any specific tea?" I ask him but he only shakes his head. I smile but not brightly. I walk into the kitchen and as the tea is ready I go back to the living room setting the mugs on the table. Tom takes it and tastes it.

„Is it to your liking?" I ask as I watch him sip it. He places the cup down before answering with a little smile what makes me so happy that I just want to hug him.

„Yes, it's very good."

„I'm glad you like it."

„Thank you." He says and I'm so happy that he is talking to me that I only smile at him.

„You can stay in my place for the next of the days until all those things end and then go back home."

„Is it not too much trouble?" He asks very quietly.

„No of course it is not. As I said I like it when I get somebody to talk to and you would never cause me trouble." I say to him and place my hand on his knee to which he immediately tenses and looks down on his hands.

„Oh, I'm so sorry! I did not mean to do this! I'm really so sorry and I shouldn't have done this after what he did to you. I'm so sorry Tom!" I yell and take my hand off of his knee.

„It's okay Sebastian." He says but I can see the tears forming in his eyes. At that I just want to kill the man who made Tom like this. Like every touch would harm him. I'm just so angry.

„Can-can I go to sleep now if it's possible, Sebastian?" Tom asks me and I say yes.

I decide to go rest too.


I woke in the night because of the soft sobs that are coming from the next room. I decide to go and look what happened.

As I open the door I see that Tom is sitting on the bed with his knees up and his arms around them. His face is between them so I couldn't see his face which I know is tear streaked.

I walk slowly beside the queen sided bed and sit down on the soft mattress.

„Tom, are you okay? Tom?" I ask as there is no reaction from the other man but silent sobs. I decide to take hold of his arms and take them away from his tears face. He whimpers softly but does nothing else as I gently take hold of his newly shaven chin and lift his face to see him eye to eye. He looks at me tearfully.

„Hey, everything's alright, okay?" I tell him and he nods. He puts his legs down and just looks at me in the eyes with his own pain filled eyes.

„Y-yeah, it was only a nightmare." He tells me quietly.

„Yeah, you're alright." I say and kiss his head. „I'm gonna go back now." I say and attempt to stand up but Tom grabs my arm before I could.

„S-stay?" He asks me shyly.

I smile at that. „Of course."

I lay down beside him taking hold of his waist and drawing him closer to my body. I feel him tense a moment before relaxing and I smile at that. I hug him to my body and I can feel how his body relaxes and he falls asleep. I smile at that.

„Goodnight, Tom."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!😄

I like Sebastian's and Toms relationship so I decided to make them friends in this. I like to think of them as close friends.😊😊😊😊

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