Chapter Three- Livia

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"What do you mean, tomorrow? Are you afraid more will come?" I ask.

Leaning forward, Amah reaches down and unlaces her boots, wincing from the stiffness in her hands. For years now, she has spent her evenings massaging them, trying to work out each laborious day's ache.

"We leave tomorrow because I fear for you."

"I don't understand."

A shadow passes over her face.

"There was once a prophecy. I've never told you of it, because I don't believe in prophecy. It speaks of a descendant who will bring magic back to our world. A descendant of Queen Bellflower."

"The Queen Bellflower? The most powerful queen in all the four kingdoms, the one born with all four gifts? That queen?"

"Yes, that one."

"How does a Silent Watcher coming out to the middle of the Black Pines have anything to do with Queen Bellflower? She's been dead for a hundred years."

"It's time I told you of the night Willobourne Castle was raided."

I know she means the night my parents died. For so long I've wanted to know. But dread decides to take shape inside me, and I fear how her story will unfold.

"I'll start by telling you how much King Helm and Queen Kyra were loved deeply by the people. And no one loved the people more than they. The people begged them for years to produce an heir, and the king and queen wanted to, but the queen found herself barren. It was heart-wrenching for both the queen and her people. However, King Helm wouldn't leave his beloved queen subjected to the depression that befell her. He called on the most unexpected person you could imagine—the Enchanter."

"What! Why would he do such a thing?"

"Quiet. Let me finish. The Enchanter agreed and sent forth a Woman of the Scree."

I grit my teeth. The Women of the Scree are creatures created by the Enchanter himself. They aren't even human, but magical puppets that the Enchanter can control from afar. Our kingdom has been forbidden to have any dealings with them.

"When the Woman of the Scree first arrived, no one knew. She went in and out with no one knowing any the better. But I knew. I was there. This moment is what put the prophecy in play in the mind of the Eastern King. He discovered the Western Queen had become pregnant, and was told the child would be the heir to bring back magic.

To our king's dismay, he uncovered the alliance between King Kgar and the Enchanter too late. I was in the nursery that night when the two assassins came in. I fought with all my strength and I almost died. But the king saved me. He had already been fatally wounded, and he still managed to keep me safe—and you.

"Me? Why would he save me?"

"Before I answer your question, you must understand I had reasons not to share this with you."


She closes her eyes, and takes in a pained breath. "They wanted you, because they wanted the heir."

"Did I share a room with the heir?"

"No. Your father commanded me to escape with you, because your father was King Helm, and you were his daughter."

My mouth opens but nothing comes out—my thoughts are frozen. A silence fills the room.

"It's impossible, what you are saying."

"It's not, En Oli. It's the truth."

"So I'm the heir? The heir?"

Amah nods.

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