Chapter Sixteen- Livia

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I admire myself in the mirror wearing a beautiful fur cloak. An attached note says it is from Lady Ella, that she hopes any trips outside the castle will find me warm.

Unsure what to make of the nice gesture, I can't help but smile at how the cream-colored fur makes me feel like royalty. Maybe my aunt likes me after all?

I wear a fitted blue dress underneath that wraps delicately around my shoulders. The cloak is welcome; with the dropping temperatures that befell us during the night, coldness would have settled quickly under the thin material of my dress.

"Lady Ella sent you this, this morning?" Amah asks.

"Yes. The note she left is lying over there on the table." I grab a silver belt and latch it around my waist.

After speaking with my uncle, we decided a trip to see Scholar Eli would be helpful. He and Amah both find him strange, but they know he is the best person for me to talk to about my gift.

He lives inside the Temple, and only travels out to attend council meetings. He lives and breathes the books inside the Temple.

I hold up another belt—it has a buckle the size of a dinner plate—I quickly place it back. I look back into the mirror, and see Amah in the mirror's reflection. She is gazing intently over the note, reading it as though it holds a cryptic message. She doesn't trust this Lady Ella; that's clear in the furrow of her brow.

When she catches me staring, her face softens.

"You look lovely, En Oli."

We go down to meet my uncle in the main hall. He embraces me the moment I arrive, and I breathe in his musky scent. Something tugs inside my chest; it reminds me of the woods I left behind.

"It amazes me how much you resemble both of your parents. The people will think they've come back to life," Regent Grif says.

He looks over my shoulder. I turn to find Reddik approaching. I try to ignore the flutter inside myself.

"Are you coming too?" I ask.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss your second outing amongst your people. Besides, someone has to look after the Regent. The Maker himself wouldn't leave that man alone."

The Regent laughs. "Now, Reddik. Just because you know the truth, doesn't mean you have to go telling everybody." He slides me an amused glance, and I stifle a laugh.

We head outside to the courtyard where our horses are waiting. A young stable boy with a tangled mess of curly black hair stands next to Rosie.

"Oliver!" I wave excitedly to him, and hurry to his side. "How good it is to see you."

"It's good to see you too, Your Royal Highness." A smile spreads across his face as he puffs out his chest. I notice the willow emblem on his livery, and I can tell he is proud to wear it.

"Are you doing well?" I ask.

"Oh yes, princess. My brother was able to work out a deal with the stable master to make sure I handle your horse. I must say, Rosie is good natured and makes my work easy."

"Oh, really? Just be careful if you come around her with any sweets that you don't plan to share; you'll find another side of her that's not so pleasant."

He snorts a laugh.

Reddik and the others come over to say hello, then mount their steeds. I lean forward and whisper in Oliver's ear. "Are you truly doing okay?"

He puffs out his cheeks. "I'm still sad, but it's getting better."

I place my hand on his shoulder, and he tenses. "Don't hesitate to ask for anything you need."

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