Chapter Twenty One- Livia

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Early in the morning, before the sun thinks of waking, I sneak inside the training room. Right away I begin to go over what Cam taught me last evening. The footwork comes easy; the balancing reminds me of those times I walked the pine branches back home. I was nimble in the way I moved from tree to tree, and prided myself in how I never fell.

"Well, look who has the dedication of a soldier," Cam says as he approaches. I look around and see that other guards are training as well. I was so focused I didn't see them come in. "How about we throw in some foot and hand combinations?" he adds.

For the next hour Cam swings two sticks at me. I keep my eyes on the moving targets, thinking fast as I move and block the painful blows. Unfortunately I'm not always fast enough, and my shins are getting sore.

"Come on, princess. Focus. The enemy won't be this slow, or give you second chances to find your footing. You have to be diligent."

"I'm trying!" I snap. "It's not like I'll be ready in time anyway." I do my best to hold back the throbbing pain in my legs. I swear if he hits me one more time in the shin, I will take both his sticks and whack him across his throat.

"Well, you need to get close enough!" he snaps back. "If you get captured and taken to the Eastern King, there is no coming back."

I don't know if it's the frustration I'm having with his relentless training, or the reality of his words striking a nerve. Tears begin running down my face.

"Princess?" Cam asks alarmingly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just feel the pressure of it all." I wipe my face. "Continue."

Cam's brow rises in question, but when he sees my face set in determination, he begins swinging his sticks. I push my frustration aside and find my calm as I do with my bow. My tension slowly melts away.

An hour goes by without us breaking; it's as if we are stuck in a trance. Sweat beads across Cam's forehead. "Fantastic!" he proclaims proudly. "That's what I'm talking about!"

Cam lowers his sticks and we both find our breath.

"We'll call this good for now. Next time we'll throw in swords." Cam smiles, and I flush with accomplishment.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Princess?"

"What do the guards think of me? Do they think I'll fail as their ruler?"

He gives me a pointed look.

"The Violet Guard has been waiting a long time for you. We've all been trained to be your protection. Your parents were the greatest leaders of them all and we all knew their heir could not be any different. So don't think for a moment, princess, that we would ever disregard your leadership or turn our backs on you. We are yours."

"Where is your place in this war?" I ask curiously.

"Next to you. Reddik informed me last night."

I push back the feeling of disappointment of not having Reddik instead. "I am honored to have you at my side."

"The honor is mine, princess." Cam bows his head slightly. "May I ask you something, princess?"

"Of course."

"What are your plans if we capture your sister?"

My eyes scan over his face, searching for the emotion behind the question.

"Welcome her home. What else would you have me do?"

"Even though she killed our men at The Wall? My brother was one of the guards killed." A flicker of anger shoots across his face.

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