Chapter Thirteen-Livia

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A mass of red-masked assassins surrounds me. Among them is a girl in full black armor with violet eyes, who has her blade pointed towards me.

I jerk awake.

Breathing heavily, I stare at the golden canopy that towers high above me. It was only a dream. I sigh with relief.

Morning light creeps out from behind thick cream-colored drapes to spread across the room—my parents' room to be exact. I was in a state of confused anger last night, and I was not prepared to be taken to my parents' chambers. Regent Grif might've seen this as a nice gesture, but it only added to the pain.

The moment he left, I cried. The life that was taken from me came out in the form of tears.

When I finally was able to doze off, I entered straight into the dream world with the golden mirror. I remember feeling determined to get answers. But the girl never showed herself. The girl—my sister.

A weight settles once again in my stomach, as Amah's betrayal is fresh on my mind. How could she so easily have kept my sister from me? Though she saved me and raised me as her own. The battle that rages inside delivers a sense, a feeling I've never experienced before. Everything feels wrong—unnatural.

I push the heavy quilt aside and slide off the biggest bed I have ever seen. The soft rugs that cover the floor cushion my feet as I cross over to the double doors that lead into the sitting room.

My heart pounds inside my chest as I see this space where my parents once lived. The ceiling of the huge room domes up, with wood beams running the entire length of the room. The walls are of smooth stone, and are covered with richly colored tapestries. There is also a fireplace, with white columns to its side. Comfortable sofas and chairs covered with rich fabric are placed about the room, with some arranged neatly in front of the fireplace. I can imagine my parents sitting there together after a long day. This is where they would have had their quiet moments.

Across the room, double doors, with small panes of glass, are covered over with sheer, lavender curtains. As it was late the previous night and I was overcome with exhaustion, I haven't yet viewed what lies beyond.

Crossing the room, I open the doors, revealing an expansive balcony overlooking the city of Pynth. I shouldn't be surprised the king and queen should have had the best view in the kingdom, but this is incredible.

I breathe in the clean fresh air of morning, and let it out slowly through my nose. Now it's time to face the day.

I go and wash my face before sorting through a wardrobe my uncle pointed out the night before. It's packed full of colorful fabrics, and they appear to be all dresses—something I've never worn.

I pull out a frilly green dress with multiple layers. My upper lip curls in distaste. I put the dress back, and skim through the others. Amah and I never had a reason to wear dresses. We spent our time hunting, or climbing trees. Dressing for fine dining was never in our daily schedules.

I finally come across a grey dress that looks to be somewhat tolerable. I put it on and it immediately feels foreign. It sits off my shoulders, and the sleeves hug my arms all the way to my wrists. There the sleeves flare out and split past my wrists into white lace.

I view myself in the mirror and I'm pleasantly surprised. This dullest color in the wardrobe matches my eyes perfectly. I use a brush to untangle my hair, and the long dark layers hang beautifully down my shoulders. I barely recognize myself.

A knock comes at my door. Taking one last look at myself, I go to answer it. Regent Grif stands there, looking sharp.

"Ah, Princess Livia. I'm pleased to see you awake. Would you care to join me for breakfast?"

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