Chapter Twenty Four- Livia

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My footsteps echo off cold, damp stone walls as I descend into the dungeon. The light from my lantern flickers in the dark. It didn't take long to find out where the wing for prisoners was located. A simple question masked with concern, and my chambermaid let it slip without guessing my intent.

I can still feel the brush of Reddik's lips on my own. The moment we discovered the Silent Watchers on the horizon, we both rushed to find Regent Grif. Luckily for us, Commander Barrett was already aware of the Watchers' location, and the Violet Guard was already in position.

Come morning, I would be in a secured location—my chambers. I remember laughing at the idea, thinking it was a joke, but I soon discovered it was anything but. Reddik explained that in the morning, the corridors that lead to my chambers will be lined with guards, all at the ready to protect me from harm.

I don't know why, but I feel that I am turning my back on my own men. They'll need me with them to use my gift. I tried to explain all this, but no one will listen. For you to be out there is out of the question. But any of them dying will place a considerable amount of guilt on my shoulders, when I could save them.

I slept for only a few hours, waking up in despair. Vera wasn't budging. I could not convince her of my help. That's when I knew I had to visit Bellek.

I finally reach the dungeon door. It takes most of my strength to pry it open. Soon I have it scraping across the stone floor, giving me enough room to slip inside.

Spooky doesn't quite cover what I feel, and eerie is an understatement. A chill creeps over me, seeing dark shadows cast across what feels like a large open space. A dim light glows up high, displaying a single chain hanging down in the center of the room.

The moment I take a step towards it, the entire room lights up. An unseen flame reflects off the white domed ceiling above. The light that had spotlighted the chain is now gone, and it now hangs from a mouth of darkness.


I turn quickly at the sound of a man's voice. He's a tall man, made of nothing but bones in the shape of a body. He has short-cropped hair, and translucent skin that seems never to have seen the light. I shudder.

He crosses the room, keys jingling at his side. He stops when he reaches the center of the room, where the chain hangs above his head. He clasps his hands in front of him.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Princess Livia," I answer hesitantly. "W...who are you?"

"I am Les. The key holder. I wasn't expecting such an important visitor. Come, tell me of your love for making music."

"Excuse me? I don't know what you mean." I scratch nervously at my arm. "I'm here to see a prisoner by the name of Bellek. If you will take me to him, I'll be on my way."

"He's quite the popular one these days. But I cannot take you to him."

"Why not?"

"He just had a visitor. Too much music," he explains, "and it will make chaos with the others."

I don't understand his mention of music. But I have no desire to ask, afraid of what he might say.

"Who was this visitor?"

Les shakes his head. "Secrets, secrets, you won't see. Secrets, secrets, safe with me."

A laugh bubbles out from his throat; he seems thrilled with his own rhyme. Tired of this game, I notice a barred door behind him. I cross the room quickly, and grab the handle.

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