Chapter Twenty Two-Vera

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I have always heard whispers of the glamor of Willobourne Castle. It was built on a mountain island. However, no one has prepared me for the magnificent beauty of the entire city that lies before me. Colors pop up from behind the wall, homes appear with peaked shingled roofs, all giving only a glimpse of what lies within.

But I know already what lies inside those walls—fear. It was my idea to have the continuous bang of a drum announce our arrival.

The drum's steady beat fills the dead air of their sky. This sound will seep into their minds and lock in that fear, driving them delirious.

The ground is covered in the white snows of winter. After the heavy snowfall yesterday, the top layer is a perfect powder of white. Either we will sink down into it and plough through, or there will be a bottom to it that will be frozen enough to march over. Either way it won't last long. With the thousands of men crossing over, the snow will soon be trampled down enough that it won't matter.

I sit atop Provena, gazing over the dark, quiet city. The moon shines high in the sky, the cumulous clouds having parted, allowing me to see the Violet Guard standing at attention—matching the stillness of the night and the fortified walls that stand around the city. Nothing is moving. I'm almost impressed by their control, but it doesn't compare to the discipline and fearlessness that's always exemplified by the Silent Watchers.

The seed of fear resides in the westerners, and the moment I release these ferocious assassins, that seed will grow, and they will discover the meaning of true fear.

But I'm not ignorant. I know many of my men will die in this battle.

I might even die.

Once I am back at camp, I go sit with Nate, Murrow, and Karl near the warmth of a fire. I've decided to keep them close at all times.

When the camp woke up this morning, they discovered two men speared on two sharpened trees with a sign posted above them reading: TRAITORS.

I remember hearing the murmurs throughout the camp, and they continued on as we moved out, as more men were able to view the blue-skinned bodies with glossed-over eyes.

The message spoke loud and clear. There would be no traditional burial for them. They were to be left behind to be ravaged by the beasts of the forest. I hadn't cared to know the thoughts of my men.

A lot of the men spit on them, supporting my decision without knowing the grievance. I moved those men closer to me. I will need to be surrounded by those I know I can trust. I know Ryker had plenty of cronies, and I'm not sure which ones they are.

"I've decided to rescue Bellek. You will come with me."

"Geez, Commander, so needy," Murrow jokes.

I roll my eyes and look to Nate. He watches me closely, and I don't know why, but it makes me feel so fully aware of myself that I casually toss my braid over my shoulder.

"We will follow you wherever you want to go," he says.

"I'm counting on it. And if anything happens to me but not to you, get out. Take Zyrik and run. Run far away, and never let the king touch him ever again."

They firmly nod. I know they will do that for me without hesitation. I explain my plan.

I lie in my bedroll, staring at the roof of my tent. The moment I settled in, the thoughts inside my head began to whirl. I've been trying to keep certain thoughts tucked away, but I know that soon enough I will face betrayal.

How long did Bellek think he could keep me from knowing about my sister? What hurts more is I always thought he wanted the best for me. But his keeping this secret makes him just part of the king's plans.

From as far back as I remember, Bellek did his best to keep me away from the king's abusive grasp. Most the time it didn't work. King Kgar didn't need an excuse to hurt me, but he always found one. Anything and everything I did was wrong and warranted punishment.

I remember when I was the same age as Zyrik, and the king discovered me in the kitchens with a smile on my face. I had just eaten a fresh piece of bread the baker gave me, and it was the best thing I'd ever had. He hit me hard with his hand, and I fell from the force of it. He watched as I choked on the morsel, and I was lucky it came up when it did. He proceeded to drag me out of the room, yelling at me.

Smiling, then almost dying, was to be all my fault. He told his uncle that if I couldn't be controlled, I would live with a chain around my neck and be shackled to his ankle.

Punishment after punishment was delivered. I don't even remember a time where I didn't have a cut or a bruise from the king. But I know it could've been worse. Bellek kept me at his side, training me up to develop that hard outer surface, the only protection he could find for me against the king.

But when I turned fourteen, Bellek could't protect me from the king's late night visits. And from the lingering touches I felt in the morning, once the king had left. I knew Bellek would kill the king if he knew. There were many times I almost shared my dark nightmares with him.

But I was afraid. What if the king should have Bellek killed? Just for knowing. I would be entirely left to the king's whims. No, I would keep my secrets for Bellek's protection. And for my own.

So why do I now feel that Bellek has slapped me in the face? He knew I could be queen of a kingdom, surrounded by thousands of guards. Why does he go along with the king when I know he doesn't agree with anything he does?

Knowing I have a sister has shaken my world. It's not that I have a relation, but that there's another person in my life who should be wanting the best for me, but instead would rather see me dead.

I allow my anger to build up. I will rely on it to get me through the outer wall and into the dungeons. My first mission is Bellek. Then it will be finding my sister and taking her to the king. And then it will be her turn to face him.

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