It was a dismal night at the empty club, as Elijah and Klaus stood in front of each other.
"We made a vow. Always and forever," Klaus told him.
"You're talking about someone else's life," Elijah replied.
"No! This is still your life! You have responsibilities! You can't just abandon them for a fairytale playing piano in the French countryside!"
"Do you think I'm going to stand here and watch you destroy everything that I built here?" Elijah questioned him.
"You honestly think you have a choice?" Klaus questioned. He attempted to snap his neck, but Elijah through him across the room and Klaus landed on the floor after falling off a table. Klaus looked at him from the floor. "You have no idea the risk I'm taking simply being here. There are consequences to us being together. Don't you see?"
"So, leave!" Elijah yelled at him.
"I would have never come if the circumstances weren't dire," Klaus replied to him.
"I don't care. Your reasons don't matter to me."
"So, Hayley's life isn't worth saving? Hope's life isn't worth saving? Please, Elijah. Hayley is missing. Hayley. Even in your state, that name must mean something to you."
"No more than the name Mikaelson," Elijah told him.
Klaus pinned him to a table with a hand around his throat.
"We are your family! You love us. You love me."
Antoinette snuck up behind Klaus and temporarily killed him with a piece of wood through his heart, but he quickly recovered. They were in a back room when he appeared and after threatening Antoinette, told Elijah, "Please. I'm begging you, brother. You may not think you know me or Kol or Rebekah or Freya or Hope or even Hayley, but we are your family." Klaus approached where they stood, standing in front of Elijah. "Everyone you love needs you now."
"Everyone I love is right here," Elijah insisted. "Don't waste your breath. I know exactly who I am. See, I ran into Marcel Gerard a few years ago in New York City. Did he tell you about that? I didn't recognize him of course, but he did say my name, and that was all I needed to learn about my former life. I don't have all the memories, but I know about you. Rebekah, Kol, Freya, Hope, and even Hayley. And I don't care about any of you."
"You may have a wealth of knowledge at your disposal. Facts, figures, names and dates, but you lack all the feelings. The love and the loyalty. A thousand years of family!"
"Elijah Mikaelson spent everyday of his wretched life trying to save you from yourself. I mean, I can't even imagine how miserable. From what I understand, that poor bastard was lucky to find even a moment of pleasure. That's not me. That's not who I am." He turned around to look at Antoinette. "I love this life. I love it all. I love the quiet of the night. The taste of my prey when I embrace their true demise. I worship every single dawn I spend here. Here where I am truly, truly loved."
"Such poetry, but it means nothing," Klaus said. "Without family; without purpose. You were not unhappy. You were a king amongst men. We both were, standing shoulder to shoulder, through the ages. We had glorious times together. Please, Elijah."
Before Elijah could say anything, a new voice spoke. She was human and had just escaped a prison world she'd ended up in after she'd died all those years ago. She'd overheard everything and was sad on the inside to hear him speak like that towards Klaus after so long of being at his side and being devoted.