Too much too soon

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Pretty much fem!reader, btw. I just couldn't make the lyrics work with neutrality. I'm so sorry, I know from experience that it can be annoying when you find an x reader for your fictional crush but it's the wrong pronouns. Speaking of pronouns, this one shot uses "you" instead of "I." It just felt easier.

Short and sweet Puck x reader. He deserves more appreciation.


Don't play the song yet.

~ Your PoV ~

The road trip was simultaneously the worst and best idea your boyfriend had ever had.

He'd proposed it during summer break after your senior year of high school, which seemed like the perfect escape after the excessive graduation celebrations. Just the two of you and whatever you could fit in his truck.

It turned out that the back of the truck had just become a bed, because hotels were hecking expensive and you were soon-to-be broke college students, so you had to prepare yourselves for the lifestyle. This meant that only the back seat could be used as storage, which led to many junk food pit stops.

That was the current activity. You were browsing among the chips, and Puck was somewhere between the candy isle and the pop.

Selecting a large bag of chips and a pack of gum, you made your way to the cash register. The bored clerk perked up when you set your food down.

"Road trip?" he asked.

"Yep. How did you guess? The surplus of chips?"

"Nah. It was the gum, actually. No one ever comes here on a road trip without buying it or some variation, like tictacs or sunflower seeds," he explained.

"Huh. I guess I'd notice patterns too if I was stuck here all day," you said, giving him a sympathetic smile. He smiled back and handed you your plastic bag.

"It's not so bad," he mused. "From time to time someone hot comes in and stops to talk to me."

You laughed awkwardly, not having the heart to tell him outright that you were taken. You were saved from having to say anything at all by Puck, who suddenly appeared and hugged you from behind.

"I can imagine," he smirked. "I'd be glad if someone as hot as me were there to distract me from my boring job." Puck placed two bottles of soda and a bag of candy on the counter.

The clerk didn't say a word as he rung up the items, nor did he speak as you left the gas station.

"You handle jealousy in a very weird way, babe," you stated as Puck climbed into the driver's seat next to you.

"It got him off you, didn't it?" He responded.


~ Time skip brought to you by the black hills in South Dakota, where I imagine they're driving. I fucking love that place. More than I can describe. ~

You gazed at the scenery outside your window in silence. You had a tendency to get lost in your head for long periods of time when you did that, to the great annoyance of anyone trying to talk to you.

Suddenly, you heard a familiar drum and guitar intro. You quickly turned the volume dial and exchanged an excited glance with your boyfriend.

(A/N: Play the song. Please. It makes this so much better.)

Puck began singing with the voice coming through the truck's crappy speakers that you both loved. Sure, pretty notes sounded odd, but rock and grunge couldn't have felt better in thousand-dollar headphones than through those old speakers.

"She's always living like she's running out of time! Too much just ain't enough to keep her satisfied! And her plastic card is filled with nothing comes to mind! It's now her occupation that she's overqualified!"

Most people didn't expect Puck to have a pretty voice. They never heard it, but no one could have guessed that he was able to riff like Barrett Wilbert Weed. It was fucking fantastic.

"The looks are always so deceiving! The truth is always misconstrued... to you!"

He gave you a pointed look at the last word, making a laugh bubble up in your chest.

"Too much too soon!"

"Too much too soon!" you sang along.

"Too little and now you're coming unglued! Too much too soon!"

"Too much too soon!"

"Too late and now it sucks to be you too!"

As the next verse approached, Puck looked expectantly at you. You'd already sung, it was just the two of you, and it was too late to turn back now. Fuck it, why not?

"He's talking shit about how it's better way back when!"

With an impressed look, he sang along. "Ah, ah!"

"He lives every waking moment as means to an end! Hooo, we are, we are but I'm not, I never used to be! So God bless your fucking past and to hell with your glory!" you sang. "The looks are always so deceiving! The truth is always misconstrued..."

You both paused before screaming, "TO YOU!"

"Too much too soon!"

"Too much too soon!"

"Too little and now you're coming unglued! Too much too soon!"

"Too much too soon!"

"Too late and now it sucks to be you too!"

Looking down and dropping his smile, Puck continued singing. "She packs her bags and says goodbye-"

You cut him off and grabbed his hand. "-and bon voyage!"

He smiled again, bringing your hand to his lips and quietly singing against your skin. "I hope you rest in pieces..."

He reached over and turned the volume down, but you couldn't get mad because in lieu of the lyrics he sang his own.

"Love you!"


I don't really know. I just like the song.

I was originally going to do this with Lysander and Hermia, but then I realized I hadn't featured our favorite little shit in any previous one shots. He's actually the worst. I love him so much.

Hope you enjoyed, faeries. May you never forget how to have fun. 

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