
172 6 17

Guys. Guys.

We're at #1 in the hamlet tag.

*does happy dance*

Also #1 in horatio, tybalt, hermia, and amidsummernightsdream.

#6 in shakespeare, which is definitely not right because there are 2.67K stories there, I'm-


I could never have imagined that a dumb idea formulated over end-of-day school prep would become something like this. It's been a rollercoaster of feelings, and don't think we're even close to done with this. This book has become my baby. It's both a help and a hindrance to my daily life, but if I need to zone out at least I can always fall back on Hamratio daydreams.

(Problematic in their own right, those little shits. They don't cooperate with me once I have any kind of solid idea for them. Well, c'est la vie. I love them to bits anyway.)

I love you all just as much, my faeries! I'll have more actual content out soon!

In the meantime, a confession:

In the meantime, a confession:

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To be.

Surprise! ♡

Shakespeare one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now