Chapter 10

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Toni's pov

I woke up early and made breakfast. Once I was sat I texted Cheryl

Toni: morning c how you feeling today? Xx

Cheryl: hey morning babe, I'm felling a lot better and actually slept last night xx

Toni: that's good, what you doing today? Xx

Cheryl: well I can't exactly go anywhere so nothing:( xx

Toni: well I'm going to go to the gym for an hour then al come over if you want?xx

Cheryl: Yeah sure xx

Toni: okay see you at 11 xx

Cheryl: can't wait xx

So I got dressed went to the gym for an hour then went back to my trailer done the washing up and had a cold shower, some people think it's weird that I have cold showers but there great for your skin and cool you down after the gym. After that I got dressed in a crop hoodie and some shorts put my hair in a messy bun and headed to Cheryl's.

I walked up and chapped to door and Alice answer " well I hope you've braced yourself" she said "and what?" "Cheryl's on the warpath" "why?" "You said you'd be hear at 11am it's now 11:21" she said and I couldn't tell if she was joking or not so I walked in to see Cher "and what time do you call this" she said in a jokingly annoyed voice "umm 20 past 11?" I said trying to act like I didn't no what she was talking about "11:22 actually tt" she said with a cocky grin as I walked up and gave her a kiss and sat down wrapping my arms round her and cuddling into her "I missed you" I said shyly and she just wrapped her arms round me and said "I missed you too" honestly I don't what had got into me there it just felt like I had been away for way to long like it had been months since I last saw her and all I wanted was a cuddle.

"TT you okay?" Cheryl asks a little concerned probably because I had been a little clingy, I was currently lying on my stomach with my head on her lap( the one that wasn't in a cast) and my arms wrapped round her waist " yeah fine" Alice had gone out so it was just us sitting watching whatever Cheryl had put on I wasn't paying attention "you just seem more clingy today is all not that I don't mind it I actually really like the attention but your just not usually like this" "it was just really cold last night and I wanted a cuddle but then remember you were all the way over here so I missed you" it was just then that Alice walked in and I sat up " hey girls what do you want for dinner today?" She asked and Cheryl looked at me " umm I good with anything " I said "why don't we just order pizza?" Cheryl replied "sounds good to me, you and Toni can get one and al phone Betty and tell her our plans jughead will probably be here to" "okay" she then leans over to whisper in my ear "I missed you too" before giving me a kiss which we had to break off pretty quick because we could hear Alice saying goodbye to Betty on the phone.

Once we had our pizza Alice went up stairs and so did jughead and Betty to give us time alone because we couldn't go to Cheryl's room because of her leg "soo tt you missed me?" She says "as a matter of fact I did, we haven't really spent time alone together since well the trip" "when we were sneaking of to lakes and bars?" Which caused us both to laugh at the memories "yeah well you can't lie, you had a lot of fun cher and I have the pictures to prove it" "ohh do you now" she says pulling me over to for a kiss

Once again we were interrupted by Alice shouting on everyone to turn on the news so we all did in our rooms. There was an emergency broadcast telling everyone to stay indoors and keep away from windows as a storm was due in the next hour or so, it was already raining and windy but it was supposed to pick up , no one was supposed to be driving until it passed. Alice Betty and jughead came down stairs "okay toni jughead yous are not leaving because 1 it's dangerous to drive and 2 well your tailors might not survive" "okay Alice" jughead replies and I just look at Cheryl "Yeah tt she's right at least if yous are here we know yous are safe" "mom shouldn't we get set up in the basement?" "Yeah that's a good idea just incase any of the widows smash" "right well we'll need a comfy space for Cheryl so her leg doesn't get sore" I say and Alice tells me there's a few recliner couches and chairs there so Betty and jug went and got blankets and pillows while I helped Cheryl down in to the basement.

When I turned the basement light on it look massive with a weight bench, pool table, air hockey and other games there was also walls up that were more like dividers rather that having a different Room "right okay you sit here and get comfy I'm going to get some blankets from the couch up stairs. Once I came back down Cheryl was sat on the couch trying to turn the tv on with the remote but it wasn't on at the wall and she didn't know and was getting really frustrated so I smugly walked over and switched on the switch "okay smart arse stick a dvd on then". I was messing about with the old tv trying to get the DVD player to work but honestly was getting no where all the while Cheryl was bouncing pillows off my head and laughing, which kept the child amused I suppose, in the end we ended up just playing monopoly while the listen to some music. We could hear the rain getting louder and soon enough we could hear the thunder as well.

After a while we got ready to try and sleep, Betty had gotten me a pair of Cheryl's short and a hoodie, we were all in Separate corners of the basement and couldn't really see each other. I saw Cheryl trying to get comfy but because of the cast she couldn't eventually she must have gotten comfy or to tired to care and lay down. I was on one end and she was on the other and if I'm being honest I really just wanted to move over and wrap my arms around her but I didn't know if it was okay so I just lay there staring at the sealing, eventually I closed my eyes and feel asleep. Even though I didn't have Cheryl in my arms I still felt comfort knowing she was here and safe.

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