The Mission

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We didn't waste anytime. We raced down to the underground area and stopped at the door to Cerebro. Pietro set me down gingerly, however, I tripped over myself. I braced myself to land on my back and probably hit my head, but, he caught me just inches off the ground. I smiled a thank you. He smiled and laughed at my clumsiness. I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up to standing.
"What exactly is Cerebro?"
"It's a machine, it allows Xavier's abilities to extend way beyond the normal reach; he can see all over the world."
"Should we knock or something?"
"No, just follow me, and stay quiet."
I nodded. Pietro walked over and his eye was scanned into the door. The door clicked and slid open. Pietro pulled me inside quickly, for the door had only cracked open. It shut behind us. Pietro kept pulling me along until we were in the middle of a circular room. I felt like I was in the middle of space. My surrounds resembled what I thought the galaxy probably looked like. I saw kids zooming past me. Some kids doing normal things. Others were obliviously mutants. A teenager, about my age appeared next to me. She had dirty blonde hair and bright eyes. She was pulling a Titanic move on a pier. I recognized the pier as a Saint Simons pier. She smiled and laughed. A gust of wind blew in her direction, she embraced it, the wind began to come more violently and rapidly. She got scared and stopped. So did the wind. An air bender, I thought. The kids continued to fly by me, Professor X looking back and forth between everybody.
The images stopped coming and the room showed its blue tile walls. Professor turned around. He looked at Pietro curiously. Pietro flinched as the Professor placed two fingers on his temples.
"Follow me! Hurry!!" We followed him back down the cold hallways. Xavier hit a blue button on the wall.
A few minutes later, Storm, Rogue, Baylor, Jean, Scott, and Logan had showed up.
"What's going on?" Asked Rogue.
"We have a lead, a lead on Iceman."
"YOU DO?! What kind of lead?!"
"I think Quicksilver and Harmony have something to show us." I nodded to confirm.
We all went down into the garden and to the not-so-dead-end. Jean went to put her hand out.
"No, here let me do it." Insisted Logan.
He gently took her hand away and put his there in her place. Scott grabbed Jean's hand protectively. The needle shot into Logan's hand. He didn't even flinch. It retracted.
"Access granted." The doors slid open and we walked into the lounge. Nobody wasted time and we went to the area where I had cut the door down. Logan looked at me suspiciously and I shrugged. He half heartily smiled and my achievement. The professor rolled in first, accompanied by Rogue, Baylor, Jean, Scott, Storm, myself, Pietro, and finally Logan.
"Iceman...." Murmured Rogue. Storm put an arm around her. Xavier picked up the letter. I watched as he read it in horror. His eyes growing wider and angrier with every sentence.
"We have to move fast and get the school on lock-" a scream echoed through the garden. We exchanged worried glances and Logan and I ran outside. We both looked around. The screamed echoed again. We ran left toward it. I caught three men in dark uniforms in my peripheral vision. I grabbed Logan's hand and guided him in that direction. We watched as the guards hit a young girl, no older than six, with a club. If there was anything that made me angrier than peer bullying, it was adults who bullied kids. I charged them. My claws sunk into the first one's chest. Logan quickly had two of them down. I watched as the girl's auburn hair wrapped around the guard's neck and he soon fell silent. Four in total were dead.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, but are you?" Inquired the child. I saw what she was gesturing towards, my shoulder had been shot. I watched as it repaired itself and the bullet fell into my hand. I smiled and turned towards Logan. He nodded. The training was starting to pay off. My mutation was stronger.
"What's your name?"
"Harmony. What's yours?"
"Delilah Grace Boltagon. You can call me Boa."
"Nice to meet you Boa."
"Nice to meet-" I had lost the child's attention. She bent over and picked up a letter in one of the guards hands.
"Can I see that please?" Asked Logan. Boa handed it over.
"Where are you?!!" I heard Scott call.
"Over here!!" I answered.
The group rounded the corner and walked over to us. They studied our handy work. No comment was made. I looked at Logan. He looked up, eyes full of concern. Logan cleared his throat.
"Xavier, why are you still hiding? Come out and play. Think of your students. Sergeant Major William Stryker....that son of a-!"
"Logan!" I interjected. I gestured towards Boa.
"Oh, sorry kid."
"Everyone, let's head back to the meeting room. We have a lot to discuss."

Okay, this chapter was getting really long so I decided to break it into two parts. If you're liking this story, please follow me and vote! I should be updating a little more soon! Sorry for the cliffhangers but not really, hahaha. Love you guys!
P.S. If you have any comments, feel free to comment!

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