The X, Men?

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We continued training until I literally fell on my face trying to block him. He had laughed at me for that, but, helped me up. (This was basically him picking me up by my arms and placing me on my feet.) I regenerated, and walked over to my bag.

"Walk to class with me? We'll be about ten minutes early."


Together we wandered the hallways until we got to a classroom area that of course looked like an altered house. I took a seat towards the front and pulled out my training composition notebook. Logan helped me write down some things to remember.







By that time, there were only two minutes left before class, and the other classes were being released. Quicksilver got there first. Shocker. He sat down next to me. He looked at me and grinned.

"What?" He continued smirking and looked up, his hand went to his pocket and he pulled out something. Next thing I knew, I had a bunch of candy in my jacket pockets. I looked at him. Still watching him, I pulled out a piece. SOUR PUNCH RAINBOW STRIPS!!! OMG I LOVED THOSE THINGS.

"How did you know I liked these?!"

"Oh, ya know. I have my sources."

"Baylor told you didn't he?"

"Dang it." I smiled in satisfaction. I unwrapped a little bit of it and bit off a piece. "I stole that by the way." I shrugged. Heck, I didn't care. I got candy! "That's the first ever reaction I've gotten where the person did either spit it out or start yelling at me."

"So is this your version of hazing?"

"You could say that."

"I did say that."

"Good point." A couple more kids walked in. Rogue sat down on the other side of me. She had dark circles under her eyes.

"Are you alright?" She stared longingly at the seat beside her and sighed.

"Yeah, it's just with Iceman gone...."

"We'll find him Rogue." Offered Quicksilver.

"I hope so...." The rest of the class had joined in by that point.

Logan talked about the start of the school, he talked about wars we had fought with the government, wars we had fought we ourselves, and why those wars had never come into existence because of what he had come to call days of future past.

"Before I went back to the past, we were in a war right now. It was a truly terrifying war. The government had developed machines back in the seventies using Mystyic's power of shape shifting. These machines were designed to adapt to any mutation. They could kill any mutant as long as it figured out what mutation you had. There was no defeating them. We finally realized towards the end, that the only way to stop the war, was to end it before had even begun. So, Xavier mentally sent me back in time to prevent Mystyic's capture and put an end to it." I raised my hand.

"Then, didn't you prevent yourself from losing your memory?"

"That's actually a very good question. No, I couldn't. That's not what I went back in time to change. So I still continued with my life the way it had always happened."

"Do you just have a chunk of time where you have no idea what happened?"

"Pretty much."

"That's okay, that's how I am too. I think I'm thirteen, but maybe that's not the case. Maybe I'm like twenty or something." Logan laughed.

"Don't get ahead of yourself kid." I smiled sweetly.

"Just a thought."

"Could be."

The bell rang and we went to the next class. Thanks to Quicksilver I got there almost as soon as the bell had finished ringing.

Professor X talked about mutations and what they were and how we happened. It was all very interesting really, and I paid good attention and took notes.



"May I have a word?"

"Yessir." I walked over nervously to him.

"I want to show you something."


Instead of answering my suspicions he wheeled out of the door and took me down some hallways. We reached a small wooden door that had a scanning device next to it. Xavier reached over and tapped a few buttons. Suddenly, a light shot out from the panel and scanned his eye.

"Woah..." I breathed. I sensed an amused smile on his face. The door slid opened and he wheeled inside. I looked around curiously. The walls were lined with metal, that gave the room a sharp, hospital like feel. "Where are we?"

"We're in a lot of places."


"We're in the school's what you might refer to as a clinic, we are in a training facility, and we're under the school."

"So this is like your headquarters?"

"Yes, very much like that." He chuckled.

"Sir. What have you brought me here to see?"

"Do you remember that dream of your past?"


"Well, much like your dream, I hope that I can help you recover what has been stolen from you."

"And how do you propose to do that?"

"Come."Xavier wheeled into a hospital looking room and gestured to a table in the middle of it. "Lay down."

I cautiously walked up to the table and sat down, readjusting myself to be more centered.

"I. Ummm. I'm not sure-"

"Would having Logan here make you feel better?" I nodded quickly. Two fingers touched his temples and his eyes closed.

"Sir?" He opened his eyes again and let his other arm go to the armrest on his wheelchair.

"He will be here momentarily."

"Oh, my apologies, I'm afraid I had forgotten that you were telekinetic."

"Nothing to fret over, you'll get to know us better through time...I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"Would you be interested in joining our team, called the Xmen?"

"I've never heard of it."

"It's a team of mutants, coming together, to do whatever needs to be done. Each person uses his or her own strengths to contribute to the group."

"I would be honored to join. But, why is it called the X men, if there are girls in the group?" Logan walked in the room.

"You called me?"

"Yes, Logan, Harmony said she would feel better if you were here with her."

"For what...?"

"If you recall when I helped you remember fragments of your past? I'm doing the same for her.

"Xavier, she's so young, do you think she can handle it?"

"I most certainly think our newest and youngest member of the team can handle it." I got a wink from the professor.

"Oh, congratulations! If you think she can," Logan said addressing professor X," then I think she can too."

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