Chapter 11

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Diamond's POV

It had been three months since Rico and I had gotten back on good terms. You could say everything was going perfect. Jennifer was great she was like the perfect addition to my life. Work was going well I had even gotten promoted to manage my department. Thank to my great organization skills and passion for my work.

"Heyyy. Thanks for scooping me up" Jennifer greeted happily as she entered the car

"Hey girl. How was school ?" I questioned

"It was fine you know the usual" she shrugged

"Why were you late this morning?" I questioned

This girl was always late to school it literally made no damn sense. I try to take her sometime but I go to work so that's usually Rico or Quan's job now. When I got promoted I started going to work earlier that way I don't end up staying late. That way I'm able to pick her up most days from school.

Thank good for extra curricular activites as well because Jennifer was in a few clubs now. She was really smart so I wanted her to take advantage of that. 

"Ask Rico" she answered 

"Yeah cause I'm sure it's him. If you don't start making him take you on time or get ready on time or whatever the stupid excuse is. You'll be the one in trouble not him." I snapped 

Stirring and rolling her eyes she just averted her eyes back to her phone. They always have some dumb ass excuse as to why she late. Fail to forget tardies turn to absences when they're excessive in school. 

Today was Friday & I kinda wanted to do something. Not that I miss dancing but I use to go out so much more then I do now. I go out every now & then with Rico but it's just not the same of course.

Being able to go out of town at a drop of dime or do whatever I want because I was on my own time. Things are totally different now that I'm on a schedule. Not to mention I have this little brat that I have to supervise. 

Life is different but it's better in a sense I feel like I have some purpose. My life was exactly where it needed to be. 

I finally started to make some new friends that would go more with my new lifestyle. Sometimes we'd go out for brunch, dinner or shopping.

Quan had this new girlfriend so we'd hang out. Jennifer spends time at their place sometimes. She wanted to stay with me though and Quan preferred it that way so he could go live his best life lol. 

Pulling up to the house I see Rico & Quan was here. As soon as I stopped the car Jen rushed out the car. Assuming she was mad about my little comment I chuckled.

These kids really get mad because they're doing something wrong. It's not my fault that you're always late. That's totally beyond my control, when I was taking her I made sure she got ready on time. 

She tends to forget that she's still a child of the state so they do check on these things. Just because I've gotten a promotion doesn't mean I'm above any rules.Everyone who's a social worker who also foster kids still has to abide by the rules.

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