Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I was on my way to go get make a house visit because we had been called to go to a house immediately and of course they wanted me to do it. I always felt bad taking kids away from their parents but then again sometimes it's what's best for them even if they don't know it yet.

Sometimes kids are happy when i come rescue them form the hell holes they call home but there's other ones that think different. 

Walking up the steps of the address I was given I knocked on the door. Soon a girl who seemed to be about 15 years old opened the door looking all bruised up. The girl looked like she had a fight with the devil himself.

"Hey I'm a social worker my name is Ms.Diamond. Are your parents home?" I greeted

Shaking her head no she opened the door for me to enter.

I had already texted my boss telling him to get some paperwork ready to remove her out this house. I'd be damned if I let this girl spend another second in this house.

"Do you happen to know when your Mom is coming home?" I asked her

"No she'll come whenever there's really no time or no way to tell" she answered as we took a seat on her couch

Nodding I skimmed through her file. Many people had called referring us to check on this child. It's crazy how this is the first visit and was going to certainly be the last.

"You mind telling me what happened to you?" I asked softly looking her in the eyes

"He just got mad" she shrugged

"Who got mad?" I questioned

"Oh my mom's boyfriend sometimes he gets mad and hits us" she answered simply as if it meant nothing

"How do you feel when he does it?" 

"I mean sometimes you just get use to stuff and get over it. I was expecting child services a while ago I kept calling my teachers called even my neighbors that heard the commotion. At least you guys got here before it was too late" she explained plainly

It was really hurting my heart to hear this girl talk as if her life meant nothing to her at all. I can't believe it took all this time for this file to get to someone. This is fucking ridiculous this girl would've died in this house. It doesn't seem as if her mom even gave a fuck because she wasn't here. That alone spoke volumes who would be with a man that beats the fuck out of them and their child.

"Go pack all your stuff if you don't have a suitcase put it in a trash bag just get all your stuff" I informed her

Feeling my phone vibrate I looked to see my boss calling me.

"Why do you have to remove the child today ?" she immediately asked 

"The girl look like she been in a fight with devil, she told me her mom's boyfriend been beating them and can you believe that she's not even here right now" I whispered getting pissed off about the whole situation

"The devil?" she asked "You better not be over-exaggerating" she stated.

"Well I guess I'm going to have to wait to till her mom come to get her signature. If she please if not I'll just call the police or whatever" I explained

"Alright then bye" she replied ending the call

I was so tired I know I was going to miss my lunch. Rico and I was supposed to meet for lunch because we've barely spent time together so that was out the door.

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