Chapter 14

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Diamond's POV

Rico had come home yesterday and things have been so hectic. The accident really took a toll on him so I of course had to take off work. We could've gotten help but we don't want people all up in our space. It had truly brought us closer in a way but I didn't want to be under these circumstances.

Today was Saturday and a few family and friends were going to come over to see us. It was like a little getty to keep the spirits up and that way everyone can see him. I was going out to buy utensils and what not. Sodas,  juice, ice and the works.

The boys were going to make some barbecue I cleaned the meat before leaving the house. It would be a few hours before anyone started arriving. Jen was watching over Rico and the boys were there so I knew he'd be fine.

At the moment he can't walk really so it's really hard on him. He should be fine in a few weeks the earliest. For someone that likes to do everything on his own it's been hard. We get into arguments because he wont let me help him.

Pulling into Publix I was trying to make this a quick trip. Making my way inside I put my headphones in so anyone wouldn't speak to me. Making my way to the refreshment Isle I loaded up as many sodas as I could. Picking up packs of capri suns for the kids.  Thank god we had two cases of water at home from Costco.

Grabbing plates and utensils I thought I had everything. Checking off my list, I forgot the most important thing lol. Cups for the liquor making me chuckle. That's when I noticed some bitch staring at me. Cutting my eyes at her I grabbed the cups and made my way to the register.

Checking out it started to make sense that was one of Rico's old flings. This why I didn't like shopping in our area. Not only did I bump into people I know but people I don't care to see. She probably feels some type of way but I don't care.

Swiping my card I made my way to my car. Thankfully one of the baggers helped me load my car. As I was driving out I seen her again smirking at her and driving off.

Making it to the house the boys unloaded the car as I pulled off in Rico's car to go get ice. No point in waiting when I can just leave and make time stretch. Thankfully this place loaded them in for me as well because ice is heavy.

When I made it to the crib Rico's mom car was already parked.

Rico's mom had come over bring all the sides thank god. I did not feel like cooking and cleaning and prepping the meat was enough. These days at the hospital had me stressed and in need of a massage.

"Yall about to eat good" Rico's mom said loading in the last platter

"Trust me I'm about to save a whole platter of food for us before we even start" I chuckled

"You no good you can always stop by and get a meal let these people eat" she started

"I don't care you know I love your cooking and I'll still stop by after. I'm not cooking this week I need to relax and take care of your son."

"That's your boo" she smirked

Rolling my eyes I made my way to the backyard to check on said man. He was playing cards with the boys. The smell of bbq had taken over the backyard if not the neighborhood. My mouth was watering and I couldn't wait to eat.

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