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"Alright. Kids! Listen!" all of the 6 children turned their heads towards the elders, who were their parents.

"Now that you'll stay in the palace for a few years, you'll have to know a few ground rules." queen Somi said in a stern but soft voice which was only possible with her. Jungkook instantaneously heaves a heavy sigh at the mentioning of 'rules'.

"Hm.. So the rule is, HAVE FUN! Nothing else!" she said and laughed later, earning a few weird but excited stares from the children. Kook, excited, thumps like a bunny and latches onto his mother.

She smiled at him.

She knew. She knew how the sad contour would spread on his face when he walks down the hallways in utter silence. She knew, he wasn't happy without any company. She also knew, you were the main cause of his loneliness. Jimin wasn't the only love expert now...

"Aww!" The bunch of adults gawked at their happy kids who were singing a random song and hands spread across each other's shoulders.

Laughing in the end, they all ran to their parents to give them one last hug before they see them again next week, or next month. Jungkook, with a large smile decorating his bunny features, hugs his parents and mutters a 'thank you' in their ears.

But there was this one kid. He just stood in front of his mother.

"Do not forget what I've said, son. Get what you want. Don't be a coward like your father." tears started welling up in his eyes. He shook the tears away and looked at his mother who was straightening his shirt's collar. He once thought, his father wasn't with him because he saw him as a failure. But when he leant that his mother was the villain, he became a rebel.

But what's interesting is that, he chose his mother over his father to stay with. He was a rebel to her but she tamed him into a dangerous tiger, who would listen only to her wishes.
But little does she know now, a tiger cannot be tamed. It tames you. And she won't see it coming in the near future.

"Now go." she orders him to go to the group, who were looking at him, smiling. His heart ached and his hands itched to hug his mother. Slowly, he turned around, masking his sadness and grief behind that charming boxy smile.

"Welcome brother!" they all yelled in satisfaction as all of the people were hugging each other, knowing they'll spend years in each other's wonderful company.

In the middle, was the guy who wished for all of this.

Welcoming him with open arms, the ends closed, with Taehyung and Jungkook being engulfed by the other people. The siblings gang were the shortest, so they were squished between the guys.


"Hyungie! Help me with this one please!" The two maknae guys asked the dimple hyung. Y/n shook her head for the umpteenth time looking at these guys.

How can they manage to NOT understand such a simple question?

Tired already, she plopped down on the floor and started doodling things.

"Huh? Hey look! Y/n drew some anime stuff!" they all rushed to look at her drawings. But her cheeks burned when the love struck boys looked at each other, and back at her.

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