Chapter 20

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I was currently in the hospital. They were running tests. I was hoping it was nothing serious like cancer. I for one didn't like to be here and was ready to go. Tommie had school today and I know she wanted me to take her. Yet she acted like it was okay.

"We found the problem."

The female doctor came in with a big smile. I don't think your suppose to smile when you give bad news. "What is it?" I asked. She looked down at her charts to reassure herself before letting me know. "It seems you're almost 8 weeks starting tomorrow. Congratulations." Eight weeks. I'm...eight weeks. Starting..
tomorrow? This couldn't be true.

"Are you sure?" She nodded her head confidently.

"Awwe you're going to be a Mommy!" Tommie squealed wrapping her arms around me. No. No. No. I don't know If I'm ready for this. The whole way home , I couldn't speak. Tommie questioned me the whole way even though. "Are you excited, You think it's a boy or girl?" Then she asked something that caught my attention.

"Is it by that guy Law?"

Is it Passion? Or is it by the last man who hurt you. You remember don't you? Him, taking your innocence. Marking his territory or so he thought. It could go either way and I knew it. I guess it didn't matter who's it was. I been alone in this, right?

Meanwhile my phone was being blown up by Lawrence.

All these missed calls. I decided I would return them...later. Don't really know why he keeps calling from an unknown number like I don't know it's him. When he calls back I got something for him.

"You hungry? I'm cooking."

I looked at Tommie surprisingly. Since when does she cook. "Cooking what? Since when?" I laughed. She just rolled her eyes. "I saw you have hamburger helper and plus you're eating for two now, you need your rest." Awwe look at her. I sat on the couch rubbing my belly.

"What am I gonna do?"

The next day...

Tommie and I was eating enjoying this movie. It felt good to be able to hang with someone even if she's a teenager. At least I don't have to worry about feelings and drama. It also keeps my mind off of Zadie. "You done?" She asked grabbing my plate. It was the afternoon and we just got done eating ice cream and cake.

There was a knock on the door. "I got it!" She really don't want me on my feet. "It's okay finish washing our plates, I'm not big yet." I joked opening the door. There was a police officer and a man standing next to him. He had on clean clothes, but looked dirty.

His bottom row were crooked like he smoked all cigarettes and he wore a cap on his head.

"Can I help you?" I rubbed my aching stomach with one hand. They looked at my pudge then back at me. "Tommie Render was reported missing two days ago. We have information saying she is here. She is to be returned to her family or you will be charged with kidKnapping." 

Turning back, she was standing behind me. "She came here on her own. I didn't kidknap anyone." The male officer sighed pulling up his belt. "Her family wants her home. She is only sixteen. Which one is it?" Pain shot up my back telling me I needed to lay down.

"I bet he wants her home real bad huh? You made the report too didn't you?" He only stared at her.

Pulling out his cuffs, Tommie quickly grabbed her book bag.

"It's okay, Atleast you tried and for that I thank you." She whispered in my ear as I felt her hand on my stomach. It was like she was telling me that was my last time I was going to see her. I didn't want to believe that. Tommie was a good kid and has been the only person to distract me with some kind of happiness.

"Good luck with that one," she pointed to my belly. "Don't forget to tell her all about my best friend." I reassured her I won't. "How you know it's a girl?" Shrugging her shoulders, they then walked off.

That girl was something else I tell you. Always can feel her energy. It was always genuine even when she had a attitude.

I noticed a pink slip of paper on the floor.

Slowly going down to pick it up, I opened it. I completely forgot. I'm two months back on rent and I was going to be evicted if I didn't have the money by Friday. It was Wednesday. Two days huh? Maybe it was time for me to move anyways.

Reaching in my closet I pulled the book bag off my shelf. I opened it up and started to count how much I had. Ten thousand three hundred and forty five dollars. I didn't realize I saved so much these pass few years. Zadie would be happy to move up out of here. I laughed to myself.

I started looking at condos online.

Finding a couple I like, I sent my application. One replied immediately. It must be my lucky day. From the phone call we had, my two bedroom condo could be ready by Friday. I thank GOD for being so glorious to me. Nothing left to do, but start packing.

I had everything in my room in boxes that I had bought.

It took almost two hours and I was hungry. I decided to do Zadie's room tomorrow then the living room and kitchen. My phone went off as I made some left over hamburger helper. Looking over at it, I saw Lawrence contact.

"You want to get cut again?" I asked. The sound of his engine roared through the phone. "You real life crazy." He laughed. I didn't know I was funny. "What you want?" I have things I could be doing like packing or eating rather then talking to his lying ass.

"The show is tomorrow baby, I can't do it without you."

"I'm Passion to you and yes you can." There was shuffling, and I heard him swear a couple of times. He must've dropped his phone. "You wanted to be a star here's your chance. Show up or don't. The choice is yours, but I really hope you do." Rolling my eyes to the back of my head, I admired the taste of this food. Tommie threw down with this one.

"Mhm." Was all I said before hanging up. He's right this is my only chance to show everyone who Passion is. That's before I get all big anyway. So, Ima go and do my thang.

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