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20 February 2019
3rd Person's POV

So ever since Eunhwa was shot, she stayed at the palace maybe until she heals or maybe forever but oh well. She has stayed there for the past few days and Jisung sure is happy. He couldn't be happier to have her by his side 24/7, and the fact that he would be the one teaching her while she's absent from school made him ecstatic.

"No, it's supposed to be like this" he said, showing her the right way on how to solve the math problem. She tilted her head in confusion (kunfusion) and looked at him cluelessly. "What?" she asked and he sighed. Well, sometimes, things don't go the way they want them to.

"You see, this part goes to this part and this one is related to the one mentioned in the passage..." and he continued on explaining to her on how to solve it. He wouldn't mind repeating himself a million times about an easy topic or subject if it were for her.

"Okay okay I get it now" she said and they finished up the lesson. It was still 9 a.m. in the morning and they started at 7 a.m. which made Eunhwa's mind all confused and took longer to understand a few topics but she still did well nonetheless.

"You did pretty well considering that you aren't a morning person" Jisung said. Eunhwa chuckled and smiles "Sometimes I don't though" "You still do anyways don't even try to deny it" he said. "Fine" she said and someone knocked on the door. "Come in" Jisung said and a maid came in.

"Here is your breakfast, Your Highnesses. Her Majesty told me to deliver this to your room because she thought that you won't have breakfast outside" she said and put the plates down. "Thank you" he said. "Your Highnesses" she said bowing before leaving the room, closing the door softly to be polite.

"Your Highnesses?" Eunhwa questionned. She didn't know why she was called such title. "Since you are my mate and the future Queen, my father told them to treat you like a princess... which you are anyways" he said and Eunhwa blushed at his cheesy words.

"Where did you get all those words from?" she asked and he laughed. "From that book I showed you before, the one that has 90 chapters and 10 poems in each" he said. "Can you read some for me?" she asked and Jisung smiled, nodding as he went to grab his book from the bookshelf.

He took it and then sat down on the bed with Eunhwa. He started to read out from the book. "Can you like, read me the romantic ones?" she asked and he chuckled as he nods. Well, he is whipped for her so it would be likely of him to agree to everything she says.

He flipped to one of the pages and read out to her.

"Roses are red
Violets are blue
We are meant to be together
Just me and you"

Eunhwa squealed and kicked her feet in that state of hers. Jisung laughed at her and flipped to another page. He read...

"Love, a strong word you used"

"But we do love each other... right?"

"You're not ready to love... how can you love when you can't even forgive yourself from your past mistakes?!"


"Love is like a rose, sweetheart. It looks so very beautiful, smells fragrant. But when you look down on it, you can see the sharp thorns, waiting for you to hold it and be in pain... just like how the needle did in the Sleeping Beauty.
Learn to embrace yourself despite your flaws, and forgive yourself for every mistake. Only then, I can love you. I'll be waiting right here.
Take your time"

Eunhwa's mouth went agape. She didn't know that he would read something like this. Moreover, he read something so beautiful, yet so painful. He continued to read at a different page.

"I've had lovers before
They had no effect on me
But when you said that you wanted to break up
I felt my whole world crashing down"

"Oh wow that hurts" she said and he chuckled and nods. "Can you make one for me?" she asked. "Make one?" he asked again and she nods. He thought for a while before saying...

"When I blow dandelions
The seeds fly away
But when I saw your outstanding beauty
I was blown away"

Eunhwa smacked his arm, blushing furiously at his words. "Do... a less cringey one" she said and he thought again for a while before clapping his hands firmly and spoke

"Don't mind the people judging
All your flaws and imperfections
Because below all those
There's beauty that everyone failed to see with their blind eyes
But I'm not them, and I fell for you because you... are you"

She squealed and smacked him with a pillow she grabbed behind her. He laughed at her flustered state and he smiled right after. Eunhwa smiled too, staring at his beautiful orbs. It was just like the fairytales, but this was their fairytale.

They inched closer as their lips met in a soft kiss. It was full of love and every feeling they had for each other. They pulled away soon after and smiled. Eunhwa suddenly remembered something and reached her hand over to pet his nape.

Jisung leaned into her touch and sighed softly as he lays his head on her lap. She giggles at the cute gesture. She thought that he looked more like a cute cat rather than a manly alpha werewolf. It was true though, Jisung acts cuter in front of Eunhwa all the time.

Jaehyun suddenly busted in the room, startling the two having their moment. "Sorry to interrupt but... you just officially became an uncle, and you, an aunt... once you officially marry Jisung that is but still" Jaehyun said and Jisung widened his eyes.

"Do you mean that...?" Jisung asked and Jaehyun nods. "What?" Eunhwa asked. "Come with us" Jisung said and Eunhwa nods as she slowly gets off the bed. "Careful now" Jisung said when her feet touches the ground. "It was my shoulder that was shot not my feet" she said and he grins.

"Yeah okay" he said as Jaehyun led the both of them to Taeyong and Seulgi's shared room. He knocked before opening the door and revealed that Taeyong was holding a baby as Seulgi was sleeping on their bed. Eunhwa gasped and they went to him.

"Hyung, boy or girl?" Jisung asked and Taeyong smiled. "Girl. Her name's Park Seulyeon" he said. "Awwww" Eunhwa cooed at the Seulyeon's cuteness. "What happened to noona?" Jisung asked. "Passed out from the exhaustion. No surprise though, labor is the true definition of pain" Taeyong said, smiling softly at his mate.

"Whipped" Jaehyun said. "Like you aren't at Herin" Taeyong retorted. They all ended up laughing though. "Cute isn't she?" Taeyong asked and they all nod at his words. It was true, she is cute. "Oh, Eunhwa, how's your shoulder?" he asked.

"It's getting better. It still hurts, but it's healing don't worry" she said. "Oh right, what were you two doing in your room anyways?" Jaehyun asked. "Jisung read me a book then I pet his nape" Eunhwa said. "How'd you know about that, the whole nape thing?" Taeyong asked, settling Seulyeon in her crib gently.

"He told me once, when we were going to surprise Chenle for his birthday" she said. "That was last year so that means... Jisung is smitten~" Taeyong teased. "Hyunggg~~" Jisung whined and he laughs. "Okay but seriously though, it's a sensitive place for us wolves so Jisung must really like you to tell you that" Jaehyun said.

So for the rest of the day, they just chilled and eventually went back to Jisung's room. And so their day ends like that and none could be more contended... but Jisung did say something which made Eunhwa blush so much.

"If you think Seulyeon is cute, our child would be cuter so just you wait"

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