Break Up - Chapter 3

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Jennifer  turned up the radio as she prepared to leave. It was two o'clock in the morning and she was passed tired. Heading home, a rush of bubble guts hit her stomach, as she thought about Jack. Thinking out loud while driving...

"That man Lord knows..."

Jennifer had a bitter sweet feeling about Jack though. She hated the fact that the man she was falling for, was a convict. She also loved him because he made her feel special like no man has ever before;  Especially more than Greg.

Pulling up to the house, she was beyond tired. She walked in the house and noticed Greg sitting on the love couch snoring, with an empty Todka Vodka bottle laying on his chest. She knew he had to work in a couple of hours, so she crept by him.

Jennifer didn't take a shower that night because she didn't want to wake him up. Instead, she prayed and went straight to bed.

Three days later....

"Ma'am are you okay? Ma'am are you alright? How do you feel? How many fingers am I holding up?"

Jennifer woke up in a big gasp and surrounded by lights and a nurse.

"What happen?"

asked Jennifer while in severe pain.

The nurse took the cover off Jennifer and opened her blouse.

"Ma'am you were stabbed sixteen times, you are lucky to be alive."

Jennifer instantly remembered everything...

***Stay tuned as the epicness continues***

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