Break Up- Chapter 10

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Jack took his phone from his face and quickly starred at it in disbelief. Putting the phone back up to his ear...

"Hello...What did you just say?"

Asked Jack to make sure.


Screamed Jack

He then realized that Shelia had hung up.

Attempting to call her again, her phone went to voicemail five straight times. He was so blown off by Shelia so much, that he had forgot about Jennifer for a minute.

Running around the house even more frustrated, he still couldn't find his keys.


Screaming slapping his hands on his head in frustration. He suddenly paused, thought about it, and ran out the house and into the car. He reached down under the driver dash and pulled two wires apart, hot wiring it to start; I guess his rough past really did the pay off that night.

Speeding down the road and unto the highway, he was fire red with anger. Thinking to himself...

"Damn I should of never fuck with that Bitch Shelia man. Jennifer was too damn good of a woman to lie to all this time like that, DAMN MAN!"

See Shelia was Jack long time chat line friend while he was in prison. And by Jack having good behavior, they gave him free library time twice a week. Well, at least thats what the guards thought he was doing. Instead, he would chat with Shelia for hours while the other prisoners play ball outside. It was something about Jack that Shelia liked. Once Jack had moved up there, they start hitting it off instantly, and Jennifer had no idea. Jack knew once he got out, he would move to Kentucky. Hell he was the main reason Jennifer decided to move up there also.

"Man this shit fucked up."

Jack thought out loud, heading over Shelias house.

He suddenly pulled over to a Quick Trip gas store because the gas light was on. He knew Shelia stayed way across town so he would need enough petro to make it. Walking in the store, he could see a news alert on the store TV behind the counter.

"Greg Walker is armed and dangerous. He's been wanted for the last couple of years for stabbing his ex girlfriend multiple times in Atlanta Georgia. We just received a new alert on him for the kidnapping of the same woman he stabbed years ago. He was last seen in a black ford Taurus heading north on I-65!"

"Sir may I help you...Sir may I help you?...Sir"

Jack immediately threw a hundred dollar bill on the counter...

"Fill up on three"

Said Jack rushing out the store.

He filled up and forgot his change. Speeding towards Shelia house and almost there, he got an unknown call...

He picks up anxiously...


"Ay, white boy next time you leave the house, make sure you check your storage room first. Its too late, your bitch dead bruh!"



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