Chapter 7

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Y/n P.o.v.

It was 7am when my alarm started going off. It was 7am when I woke up next to Yoongi in my bed as he held onto me tightly. 7am, when a sea of guilt washed over me.

I reached my hand over to my nightstand to switch off the item made by the devil himself.

Silence engulfed the room. Somehow, Yoongi had managed to stay asleep during the loud beeping from the said object.

I tried to sit up, but of course that's what made Yoongi wake up. His grip tightened around my waist as he mumbled, "No...Stay..." I sighed as I lied back down. I turned to face him, but his eyes were closed shut as he started falling back to sleep.

I don't know how long I layed there like that, but after a while of staring at him sleep, tears started to form in my eyes again. The guilt from what happened last night was killing me. Yoongi doesn't deserve this...He doesn't deserve me.

My cries must have woken him up, because after a few seconds, his eyes opened as he glanced at my face. "Y/n, what's wrong?" He sat up before holding my hand in his. "Yoongi, I..." I paused as I thought wheather or not now was the time to tell him. 'No... I'll tell him later. After lunch when we're back at the dorms.'

"It's nothing. I'm fine." "...You sure?" He looked at me with doubt. "Yeah, I'm sure." I glanced away hesitantly before getting up from the bed. "Alright, now get out. I need to get changed." Trying my best to put on a smile, I shooed him out of the room.

I put on a plain grey t-shirt and some ripped, blue jeans. I styled my hair in a low pony tail before going to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Fumbling through the cupboards, I took out a mug and made myself a cup of coffee followed by a jam sandwich.

"Mornin'." Greeted Chen as he entered the kitchen, stretching his arms over his head as he yawned. "Morning Chen." I hummed. Despite my guilt from this morning, I somehow felt happy now. As if something good was going to happen today.

I sat down, about to take a bite out of my sandwhich when I felt a flow from down below. 'Oh no...'

I hurried to the bathroom and quickly pulled down my pants, sighing in annoyance. Great. I've got my period. Atleast that explains my sudden mood swing in the kitchen.

I put on a pad before going back to my bedroom to change my pants. "Yay, another week of hell." I mumbled sarcastically as I headed back to continue my breakfast.


Unfortunate for me, today classes seemed to fly by faster than usual. If this were any other day, I'd be reliefed, but today, that just ment I had to confess to Yoongi even sooner.

I closed the door and took my shoes off before going to sit at the kitchen counter. I was the first one here, so I had to wait for Yoongi.

I played a few games on my phone, and after about 15 minutes, Yoongi finally arrived.

"Hey." He said as he put his sneakers on the shoe shelf. "Hey..." I replied awkwardly. "Um...Yoongi, I...need to tell you something important..." "Y/n, what's wrong?" I stood up from the stool and went to stand next to him. "Y'know the way at Chanyeols party..." He sighed in frustration. "Well...Y'know the way I got a bit too drunk and...some the bedroom..." I paused for second as I thought of what to say next.

"Well...The next morning...He sent me a text...and turns out...he's my stalker...yay..." Yoongi started at me blankly as he processed the words that I had just said. "What?

"He stalks you?! Y/n, why didn't you tell me earlier?!" 'Oh boy, he's already mad and that's not even the whole story...'

"Um...W-Well then-" "Wait, there's more?!" "Y-You see...H-He asked me to hang out with him a couple of times and I stupidly said yes and-" "You met up with him?! Are you mad?!" 'Apperantly.' "At first it was just me trying to get to know who he really was...But then last night...Things got a bit out of hand..." 'Oh god, how do I say this?'

"He took me to some place and..." I took a deep breath before telling him my biggest regret. "We...made out..."


The room went completely quiet.

I stared at Yoongi, waiting for him to give some reaction, yell, scream, anything.

He didn't.

He just stood there in silence.

Keeping a blank expression, he said in a dry voice, "You know what? Jennie was right. You are a slut." I watched with tears in my eyes as he slowly walked to his room, closing the door behind him.

Eyes glued to the floor as I stood there in guilt and regret, I herd the door open and close behind me, followed by a happy Chen. "Heyyy Y/n! Wha-" "Not now Chen." I quickly walked over to my room and tried locking the door, but it was still broken from yesterday when Yoongi tried to get into my room. Sighing, I headed straight for bed so that I could cry my soul out.


The next morning was like every other, only my eyes were still red and swollen from crying so much.

I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed the first piece of clothing that I saw. A black hoodie and some denim shorts. I put them on and made my hair into a messy bun, not caring that I would have to go to class like this.

I opened the door and quickly put on my shoes, ignoring the two boys that were sat at the counter, eating their breakfast.

When I arrived at the classroom I went straight to my desk and lied down my head. Even after eight hours of sleep, I felt exhausted.

I was starting to drift off to sleep when I felt a tapping on my desk. I slowly raised my head only to be met with Jennie. "Jeez, you sure look ugly. What's up with you?" She gagged. "It's complicated." "Oh please, do tell. Class doesn't start 'till another 20 minutes and we're the only ones here. I've got loads of time." She smirked. "I think I just got dumped." I mumbled into my hoodie as I lied my face into the sleeve. "Think? Please, as if you ever had a proper relationship." She rolled her eyes.

I gave her a glare, and her face suddently softened. "Wait...You're serious?" "Yes, Jennie. I'm fucking serious." "Damn...I-" "You're what? Shouldn't you be happy? Your dream man is single again. Here's your chance."  I snapped at her. "I'm sorry." She sighed. "What?" "I'm sorry for being a bitch." 'Well that was sudden.'

"I guess I was just...jelous of you." "...What's going on...?" "I made you go through hell for the last year, and I'm sorry. Really." "I'm still not sure if you're serious right now, but if you are, then appology accepted I guess." I sighed as I layed down my head once again. "...What?" Now she was the one confused. "I literally abused you and you're gonna forgive me just like that?" I hummed out a reply. "You have trust issues." "Tell me about it."

She left to go to her seat. I continued to try and fall asleep, but soon enough, other students started entering the classroom, giving me no chance at all.

'God just kill me please.'


Oh hey, it took me less than a month to update, yay

I feel like this chapter wasn't good enough, like I could've done better tbh

But I know that if I didn't upload it now it'd take me another century so yeah :)

Tbh right now I'm not even sure wheather or not I'm gonna make Jennie a good person or not. What do you guys prefer???

+ I think the story's gonna end soon, I'm not sure yet

Dating My Roommate - BTS Yoongi AU - ✔COMPLETED✔Where stories live. Discover now