Chapter 9

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For the past week I have:

1) Been locking myself in my room straight after school

2) Cried alot

3) Avoided leaving the dorm unless I had school (Chen even checked on me to see if I was alive or not)

4) Did I mention crying?

Today's Sunday and as soon as I woke up I already felt like shit.

I haven't showered since Friday and I smelled awful. My hair was greasy and my face was covered in smudged makeup.

I got out of bed and trudged my way to the bathroom. I took a long, hot shower and when I finally got out about an hour later, I put on some grey sweatpants and a yellow t-shirt.

Then I continued to trudge into the kitchen and grab some late brunch. Yes, late brunch. I may or may not have slept through my alarm and it is now 2pm.

I opened the cupboard only to be greeted by emptyness.

I went over to the fridge, only to be greeted by the same thing.

This is not good.

I sighed as I went back into my room, put on some jeans, made my hair look at least a bit decent and checked that there was no more smudged makeup on my face before putting on my sneakers and heading out to the supermarket.

I didn't buy too much, just some rice, eggs, bread, ham, cheese, chocolate, chips, milk and last but not least, some freshly cooked chicken.

Andnothechocolatedefinitelyisn'tformetoeatinonedayonlytogobackandbuyanothertomorrowsothatIcanbedepressedandeatchocolateatthesametime. Pft, what? No.

Once I was back at the dorm and put all the new groccerys in the cupboard or fridge or wherever they should be, I took my chocolate and headed over to my room, locked myself in there and sobbed as I stuffed my mouth with calories.

Only 10 minutes have passed when my phone lit up, followed by a little ding noise.

I wipped my eyes with the back of my hand as I stared at the message I had just received.



Mr. Stalker: I'm sorry

Mr. Stalker: Let's meet up again

Y/n: No

Mr. Stalker: Please...

Mr. Stalker: It's important...

Mr. Stalker is typing...

Are you sure you want to block Mr. Stalker?

Yes ⬅


Mr. Stalker: I'll tell you everything

Mr. Stalker: Even who I really am

No ⬅


Y/n: Fine

Y/n: But don't you dare try anything

Mr. Stalker: I promise that I won't

Mr. Stalker: See you at our usual meeting place at the park in 10


I mumbled complaints to myself as I went to the bathroom to clean myself before going out again.

Once I arrived at the park and was sitting at our usual bench, I waited for him to come.

After a few minutes have passed, a tall, slender man started walked my way.

He wore a black t-shirt and black ripped jeans. His hair was wavy and had the colour of caramel.

Wait a minute...

The stranger kept on walking closer and closer, until soon enough, he was sitting right across from me.

Hold he..

"Mark?" "Bingo." "Why aren't you wearing your mask and cap, like you always do whenever we meet?" "Didn't you read my text? I told you I'd tell you my real identity, didn't I? Well, it's starting off with how I look like." "Oh..."

I have to be honest here, he is quit good looking. And I guess I did see his face before...when we was just too dark for me to take in all his features.

"So...Care to tell me your real name or do I still have to call you Mark all the time?" He laughed lightly before replying. "Baekhyun. My name's Baekhyun."

"I have two younger brothers, I'm pretty sure that you know them both. Chen and Chanyeol." "What? You're their brother?! They're brothers?!" "Surprise..."

He continued telling me about himself, the truth this time.

"And, well...I guess that leaves the most important thing left for me to say..." I waited eagerly for him to continue. "Why I'm stalking you...Well," He paused for a second before continuing. "It all started when we were kids I guess...I was one of Joshua's friends." "Wait, what? You know my brother?" I asked in disbelief. "Yeah... Even though I'm a bit younger than him, I was one of his friends."

"I was even at you're house a couple of times." He went on. "But I'd say you don't remember that. As we grew up and you got older...I guess I started...developing feelings for you.. Gosh, this probably sounds so creepy right now..." He mumbled that last bit to himself but I still managed to hear it. "So...I had a crush on you, but you didn't even know I existed." He laughed as his face went a bit red.

I urged him to continue and so he did. "Well, when you first started highschool, I was a Senior...And I guess that's when I had a huge crush on you...God this is embarrassing to talk about."

"Well, turns out, I wasn't the only one that had a crush on you...Chanyeol did aswell." "What? No...He didn't even know that I existed untill that party!" "He doesn't anymore but...he did...He was just too shy to ever talk to you...But he talked about you alot at home. And that's how I found out more about you. After I graduated I thought that I'd get over you...well, a few months ago, I met Jennie..." "Oh god no, what did she do?" I sighed into my palms as I covered up my face.

"I won't get into details, but she eventually convinced me to do all those things to you. That that way she'd have Yoongi, and when you'd be all alone I could have you...And I have to say, I regret it." He paused once again. "She would always text me, telling me what to do. The worst thing was when she forced me to take you to that place in the woods, make out with you untill you were filled with regret, hence the break up." "So it-" "That's what I regret the most." He cut me off. "I was so stupid to believe her. To do those things to you."

I was out of words.

I had no idea what to say.

I just sat there with a dry mouth, thoughts running through my head.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. Neither do I really want you to." He stood up. "But please, try to forget about me. I can guarantee you that that's what I'll do with you." Were his last words before he walked away from me. I watched as his figure got smaller, and smaller, until eventually, it was too small for me to even see.

Dating My Roommate - BTS Yoongi AU - ✔COMPLETED✔Where stories live. Discover now