Hey everyone!!! Hope you enjoy!!! :D
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Chapter 2
*Crystal's pov*
Mrs. Demgiller's class was pretty good, we learned about invisible rattlesnakes, and mice that have 6 legs. Mrs. Demgiller was sooo boring though! She just went on and on, and on...
I look at my schedule for my next class. It was Flying lessons. Well, i sorta know how to, but there wasn't a crowd...I grab my broom, (well, my moms broom...)and rush down to the gym.There was already a few people there, so I start to look for any of my friends. Istart to brows over the crowd and spot "GREEN EYES"!!!!!!
Oh my Gosh.OH. MY. GOSH!!! He's here!! He was standing with some other guy, who was also charming, but not as handsome as... as... sigh, I wish I knew his name!
*David's pov*
I was talking withZack when I saw that girl again. I saw her out in the hall, laughing with another girl. Her laugh sounded so sweet, like a bird singing... I couldn't stop staring at her then, and when I walked passed her, I thought I smelled fresh air. "Hellooo? David? Earth to David?? Are you there man?" "What? Oh, sorry Zack, I just got distracted." Zack looks at me really weirdly, it was starting to freak me out when Zack said"Ok, who is it now?" What? "How did you know? I didn't say anything about a girl!" He gives me a look, then says " Dude, we have been friends since we were four! I know everything." ... "Ok ok fine! It's a girl!Are you happy?"
Zack smiled at me then asked "Sooo, who is it?"I look around before Ilet it spill "OkIt's that girl with the shortblond ish hair, hazel eyes, really pretty smile..." "Oh! You mean Crystal?" "Is that her name? Crystal..." I say it over again, but then think "Wait, how did you know that?" Zack starts to laugh. then says " Me and Benjamin are buddies, and he told me who all his friends are. They all seem nice... Hey! You should go up and talk to her!!!" Wait a minute, what? "Ohh no, I can't, noo way!" But before I could finish, Zack was pushing me towards her.
*Crystal's pov*
Oh my Gosh he's coming this way!! What should I do? What should I do?!? He comes over and smiles shyly, "Hey, uhh, my names David. Your Crystal, right?" He knows my name!!!And his name is David... Yes, I finallyknow his name..."Yea, that's right, my name is Crystal," Ack! Why did I repeat my name even though he already knows it?!? Stupid stupid STUPID!! "So what do you think of High school?" he asks. "Oh, it's wonderful! So many new people! And it's much bigger that elementary!" He laughed and smiled. "I know what you mean..."
TWEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!! "ALRIGHT! THIS IS FLYING LESSONS!I'm your coach, Mr. Mandrit, and today, we will learn how to get up in the air, now the main part ofthis is blah blah blah..."
I couldn't concentrate, I already felt like I was flying. I started daydreaming about me and David together when, "Alright! Crystal! your up first!"
Oh no... ohhhhhh no, not in front of David!!! I'll mess up! I'll freeze! I'LL FALL!!!!! But,I knew the coachwas waiting for me. So with a big gulp of air, I stepped forward, and got on my mom's broom. Ok Crystal, stay calm, you can do this, you did it before...
*David's pov*
She shot up into the air and flew around the gym.Other people "ooohed" and "awwwed" . I was speechless. She even managed to do a few flips. She also got down really low to the ground, just over our heads, and gave us all high-fives! When she landed, everyone was clapping and cheering, and I was one of them.
*Crystal's pov*
I can't believe I did all of that! Even David looked surprised! Everyone was crowding around me, asking how I didall of those tricks. I don't even know how I did them myself! "Way to go Crystal! Not bad for your firstflight!" Cheered Mr. Mandrit.
If only he knew...
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Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Подростковая литератураUsually when teens go into Highschol, they learn algebra and science and family living, but when it's Chrystal and her friends turn, they learn about potions, flying, and spells! And with boy drama on top of it all, it's hard to be a teenage witch!