Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy it!! :D
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Chapter 6
*Chrystal's pov*
I still can't stop thinking about the love potion... I have been thinking about it all weekend long and during school! I know it's stupid, but he could be the one! I still can't believe the dance is only 3 days away... I sigh and start to doodle my name with his last name in my "Mystical Creatures" binder. Hmm, Mrs. Chrystal Handerson, not bad, but I might just keep my last name... Or maybe if I could combine them someh-
"Miss Chrystal Winston! Pay attention please!"
Oops, busted.
"Sorry Mrs. Demgiller," I squeak.
She gives me an evil stare, but then continues with her speech.
"Now, as you can see, a Troll's toenail can be used to heal any cuts, wounds and blah blah blah..."
Sigh, now I know something is wrong with me. My favourite class and I'm not even that interested. Great. I saw David earlier on today, gosh he looked so cute. Our eyes actually locked in the hall, and he just smiled, then walked away. I smile to myself, then roll my head up to the clock. Class will be over soon, only 3 more minutes. Although, that will be like 3 hours instead. I start to think about my favourite song and start to bob my head. You know I'm in La La land when I start to bob my head, or hum, or both. By the time I finish the song, the bell rings. Freedom! I pick up my bags and start to head for flying class when I see David again. He see's me to, and walks over to me. My heart is starting to beat like a big brass drum. When he comes over, I'm afraid he'll hear my heart slamming against my chest. He smiles at me, then starts to whisper,
"Hey Chrystal, Follow me!"
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"C'mon! We're gonna ditch!"
"What? Are you crazy? We'll get caught!"
"Just come with me!"
He grabs on to my hand and he starts to pull me along. I find myself giggling like mad. What's wrong with me? But he started laughing too, so it made me feel amazing. We end up sneaking outside to the patio where some people eat there lunch. No one was there now; it was just the two of us. He lets go of my hand and plops down into a seat at one of the tables. I smile and sit across from him. We're both panting and smiling, catching our breath. Finally, I ask him something.
"So what are we supposed to do now?"
He laughs, turns his had to me, and says,
"I don't even know, I just didn't want to go to flying lessons!"
I start to fake a laugh, but on the inside I'm upset. I thought he was gonna ask me to the dance!
I think he noticed I was upset, cause then he said,
"So what do you want to do? We have an hour and a half to kill. We could go get some ice cream, we could sit here and talk, orrrr..."
He suddenly springs up and reaches over and grabs my "Mystical Creatures" binder. Oh my gosh, that has the doodles of my name with his last name!!!!!!!! He holds it up and starts to run. I scream his name and start to run after him. If he opens it, I'm doomed! He runs around the field and I chase him for hat seems like hours. He's laughing his butt of while I'm screaming his name, but laughing at the same time. I finally catch up with him and grab onto my binder. I don't think he saw what was in it. He collapses onto the grassy field, catching his breath and laughing. I end up falling onto the grass beside him too, trying to find oxygen but laughing hysterically. We finally stop laughing and just pant heavily for a while. He looks over at me and puffs out,
"Man! (puff) You can really (puff) run!"
We both burst out laughing again like there's no tomorrow. I finally stop giggling and then he stops too. He looks at me and moves in a little closer. My heart starts to slam against my chest all over again as I look into his eyes. There like an evergreen forest, filled with life. We end up getting so close that I could smell his cologne; it smelt wonderful, like sea salt, but also very manly. He slowly starts to lean in, and I find I am too.
Then he kissed me.
Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, or even fan! It would be greatly appreciated! :D love you all!!!

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Novela JuvenilUsually when teens go into Highschol, they learn algebra and science and family living, but when it's Chrystal and her friends turn, they learn about potions, flying, and spells! And with boy drama on top of it all, it's hard to be a teenage witch!