Hey Everyone! Heres the next chapta! Hope you enjoy!
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Chapter 5
*Chrystal's pov*
The rest of the month was pretty much the same, hanging with friends, dealing with annoying teachers, piles of homework almost as tall as you, staring at a certain green eyed guy...
But there was a date I was looking forward to the most. The Halloween Dance. It's the one day where we can say we're witches and warlocks, without people giving us strange stares! When my older sister went to high school, she said that they would get dressed up in costumes, and dance the night away, with lights, music, and for the daredevils, pranks! My sis is off in collage now, so she doesn't go there anymore, which sucks, cause that would have been awesome if we went as the Wicked Witch of the West (her) and the Good Witch of the North (me!).
So I started to hang out with David more, hoping that he would ask me to the Halloween dance soon! We sometimes ate lunch together, and we talked a lot in Flying lessons. He was really shy at first, but now that I know him better, he has a great sense of humor. He's also really smart, and is interested in the Arts! I sigh as I lay on my bed. I cant believe I'm already done my first month of high school! AND that I might actually have a date for the dance! Wait a sec, what day is it today?
I roll off my bed and look on my calendar. Let's see, today is the... 24th?????? THE DANCE IS A WEEK AWAY TODAY!!!! I actually screamed and started to panic. But he hasn't asked me yet? Does that mean he doesn't like me? I can't believe it's next Friday! WHAT AM I GONNA DO???
*knock knock knock*
"Crystal? Are you alright? I heard you scream!"
"Sorry mom, I'm alright, I uhh... just stubbed my toe, and it really hurt!"
"Are you going to be ok?"
"Yea, don't worry! I'm ok!"
I heard her footsteps grow more distant, then disappear altogether. I don't understand... I thought we had something, me and David. I just wish... sigh. I sit on my bed awhile, and think about what I should do. He's the best guy I have ever met, I can't just let him go. I need one night, one night to see if he's the one for me. I slowly get off my bed and decide to go on Unicorn Horn Instant messaging. Surprisingly, everyone was on.
BossBen110: Hey
ShinyChrystal24: Hey Ben J
BossBen110: Hang on, I'm gonna make a chat room. :P
You have been invited to join BossBen110's chat room
BlackBridge59 has joined the chat room
ShayShay18 has joined the chat room
Tallygirl73 has joined the chat room
Amrizzle87 has joined the chat room
BossBen110: Hey everybody
ShayShay18: Heyy
Tallygirl73: Hi!
Amrizzle87: Hey
BlackBridge59: Hola
ShinyChrystal24: lol hi everyone J
ShinyChrystal24 : How's everyone doin?
Amrizzle87: Pretty good
BossBen110: good
BlackBridge59: good thanx
Tallygirl73: good, just got back from the movies with Zack <3
BossBen110: Ew, you better not be hitting on my buddy!
Amrizzle87: Oooooooooooooh! XP
BlackBridge59: aw, *kissy kissy*
Tallygirl73: You all suck >: (
ShatShay18: Hey! I never said anything!
ShinyChrystal24: Neither did I!!
Tallygirl73: Thank you Shaylessa and Chrystal, at least I can count on YOU guys.
Amrizzle87: aw, you know we're all joking!
BossBen110: Except me!!
BlackBridge59: lol
ShayShay18: So how are you doing Chrystal?
ShinyChrystal24: terrible L
Tallygirl73: Oh no!! What's wrong?? L
ShinyChrystal24: I just realized that the dance is a week away and David still hasn't asked me!!
BossBen110: Seriously? Is that all? That's nothing!! And ew! What's with you guys and crushing on my friends!!
BlackBridge59: Aw, that sucks.
Amrizzle87: Oh NOOOO!!! This is terrible! L
ShayShay18: Oh no he didn't! Amreen, hold my earrings! I'm gonna give that boy a piece of my mind!
BossBen110: Are you all serious?? ITS JUST A DANCE!!!
ShinyChrystal24: Shay, I appreciate your, uh, thought, but it's ok, I'll just go with you guys... J
Tallygirl73: Actually...
Amrizzle87: Omg, did Zac ask you?????
Tallygirl73: ...yea <3
ShayShay: YAYYYYY!!!!! :D Good for you girl!
BossBen110: Ok excuse me WHILE I BARF!!
BlackBridge59: haha lets keep going, I love to make Ben feel uncomfortable! XP
BossBen110: Your evil I say, EVILLLLL!!!
BlackBridge59: thank you very much J
ShayShay18: Guys! We're off topic!! Chrystal, why don't you just ask him yourself?
ShinyChrystal24: Are you insane? He'll say no!!
BlackBridge59: Welll... there is another way...
ShayShay18: What are you talking abo- no, Bridgette, don't go there, it's not safe!
BlackBridge59: But who would find out? Don't worry, it will be ok...
ShinyChrystal24: What are you guys talking about??
BlackBridge59: In potions and spells class, we learned about a love potion! It can make someone instantly fall in love with you!
ShayShay18: Don't do it Chryst, you could end up losing your powers!
ShinyChrystal24: Don't worry Shaylessa, I'm not gonna risk my powers for a dance!
ShayShay18: ok good, and as for you Bridgette! I can't believe you even brought that up!
BlackBridge59: Sorry, I knew it was a mistake the moment I typed it and pressed send...
ShinyChrystal24: seriously, it's ok you guys, but I got to go, see you guys soon! Byeee!!! <3 J
Amrizzle87: See ya!
BossBen110: bye
Tallygirl73: Byee Chrystal!!
BlackBridge59: Bye J
ShayShay18: Peace! :D
I log off, lean back in my chair and start to think. A love potion? ...It could work, I could ask Bridge how to make it and... Am I crazy? Am I seriously thinking about risking my powers for a boy? I shake my head and get up out of my chair. Still...
Hey peeps! Thanks for reading! Vote/comment/or even become a fan! It would be greatly appreciated! LOVE YOU ALL!!! :D <3

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Teen FictionUsually when teens go into Highschol, they learn algebra and science and family living, but when it's Chrystal and her friends turn, they learn about potions, flying, and spells! And with boy drama on top of it all, it's hard to be a teenage witch!