Tonight’s the night.
Tonight, I go to the dance with David. Do I look ok? I study myself in the mirror. Hair is up and flowers looking fresh, no rips or stains on dress, makeup done, shoes and jewelry on… I think I’m ready. Now the only thing needed is…
*Ding dong!*
He’s here! He’s here! Oh my Gosh is that a pimple!? Is it getting hot in here? Why does my stomach feel fluttery? My hands are sweaty!
WAIT! Breath in…
And out…
Ok, just relax Chrystal, you look fine, and it’s just a dance. He’s just a guy.
“CHRYSTAL! THERE’S A VERY FINE BOY HERE WAITING!” my mother sings from downstairs.
“COMINGG!!” I yell back.
I grab my clutch, open the door, and walk toward the stairs. As I walk down, I see him stare at me wide eyed, then start to blush, ashamed of staring. I find myself smiling and blushing as well. My mother starts snapping pictures from her camera like a demon.
When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I take a closer look at David. A sleek looking, black suit. He even has a flower pinned on it! His black tie stands out from his white shirt underneath.
“You look amazing.” says David. My cheeks go red.
“I love the suit!” I reply. He just smiles and blushes again.
My mother is still frantically taking pictures, to concentrated to even say a word. David pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was the most beautiful white orchid corsage! I gasp as he puts it on my wrist.
“David! It’s beautiful! Thank you!” I say as I wrap my arms around him. He grins and mumbles a “your welcome”. I glance at the wall clock, 7:20. Oh no. The dance starts at 7:30!
“Oh my Gosh! We’re going to be late!” I screech.
“Oh Sh*t! We better go!” Exclaims David.
We both run out the door and race down the street. My mother screams behind me “Have fun! Be home by mid-night!” Wow, Cinderella much? I kick off my high heels and grab them. I am not running in these! We finally reach the school out of breath. I start to put one of my shoes on, when I lose balance and start to fall! I was about to hit the cold, hard pavement when I felt someone catch me. I turn my head to see David face-to-face with me. I start to feel super embarrassed about being so clumsy.
“Thanks for saving me,” I mumble. David just smiled, then went on his knees and grabbed my other shoe. He then slipped it on my other foot! I feel my stomach start to flutter again. Wow, Cinderella again. David gets up and links arms with me as we walk towards the school. Hmm, first the ‘mid-night’ thing, then the shoe, maybe this night will be like a fairy tale?
Hey guys! im soo sorry this one is so short! :S
But I promise I'll upload the next chapter asap!! :D (as soon as possible, if no one knew :S)
comment, vote, or even fan! It would be suuuper appritiated!!! :D

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Fiksi RemajaUsually when teens go into Highschol, they learn algebra and science and family living, but when it's Chrystal and her friends turn, they learn about potions, flying, and spells! And with boy drama on top of it all, it's hard to be a teenage witch!