Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy! :D
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Chapter 7
I lean back with my eyes still closed and smile. It finally happened! I open my eyes to see David smiling back at me and then he says,
"So, I know this is a bit late now... but, uhh... will you...go to the Dance with me?"
I'm speechless for a while. He asked me!! I want to scream yes a thousand times, but I just sit there with my mouth wide open, trying to get one simple word out. I think he noticed, because he then quickly said,
"You don't have to, I mean... It would be cool and stuff... just forget what I said... uh..."
He starts to blush and turns his head away. He's shy! I finally find my words and say,
"Of course I'll go with you! I mean, I would love to, I mean..."
But before I could say anything else. He leans in and kisses me again. It was like fireworks were going of for that split second, like my whole world was complete. He leans back, holds my hand, and just smiles. I smile back, feeling butterflies in my stomach. He gets up, and pulls me up with him. He looks at his watch, and his eyes go wide and his mouth drops open.
"Sh*t! Were late for third period!"
Uh Oh. We start to run towards the school. I have Wizard History, and if I'm late, Mr. Witterson will NOT be happy! He hates people being late! We screech around the corner of the school and burst through the doors. We see people eating there lunch, talking with friends, staring at us... I look at the clock on the wall. It was only 12:00...what? I grab his wrist and look at his watch. 1:00. I start to giggle, then burst out laughing. The look on David's face! He was confused, worried, and shocked at the same time! Finally, when he realized his watch was wrong, he started laughing too. We just stood there, having a grand old time, not caring in the world if people are watching...
*Shaylessa's pov*
I was talking with Amreen, Benjamin, Bridgette, and Tally when I hear Crystal and David laughing, together! All of us turn our heads to see what was going on. They looked so happy! They would make such a cute couple! I turn my head to Bridgette and whisper,
"Bridge, did you use a love potion on them?? I told you not to!"
"I didn't do anything! It wasn't me!" she whispers back, bringing her hands up in a defensive position.
She didn't do anything? Then that must mean...
But as soon as I was about to say it, we all see Chrystal and David kiss! Right there in the middle of the cafeteria! They both smile, then go there separate ways. Chrystal comes to our table, sits down, and sighs with the happiest grin on her face. Finally, Tally screeches.
"I can't believe it! Our little Chrystal is growing up!" I said.
Now everyone is talking at once.
"What was it like?" said Bridgette.
"Are you two going out now?" asked Amreen.
Suddenly, Benjamin yelled " WHATS WITH YOU GUYS AND DATING MY BEST FRIENDS!?!?!?"
We all burst out laughing, while Ben sits there with his arms crossed with a sad, yet angry look on his face. Chrystal finally started to talk when we stopped.
"Oh it was wonderful! He's such nice guy, and when he kissed me, it felt like fireworks were going off..."
"OK! I'm leaving!" said Ben, and starts to walk over to David and Zac.
We watch him go, and burst out laughing again. We all know he's joking. Chrystal continues with her story, how they skipped class, how he stole her binder with her first name with his last name (I laughed really hard at that part), and their first kiss. The last thing she said was,
"And he asked me to the Dance!!!"
We all screeched, even Bridgette and Amreen! We all group hugged and were talking at once. The lunch bell rang, and we all had to say our goodbyes. Bridgette and I went off to Spells and Potions while Tally, Chrystal, and Benjamin went off to Wizard History.
Now all of us couldn't wait for the Dance.
Hello again! Hope you liked it! Vote, comment, or fan! It would be greatly appreciated! And I would be nothing without my lovely friends and fans, so thank you! Love ya! <3 PEACE! :D

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Novela JuvenilUsually when teens go into Highschol, they learn algebra and science and family living, but when it's Chrystal and her friends turn, they learn about potions, flying, and spells! And with boy drama on top of it all, it's hard to be a teenage witch!