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Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Chapter 1
I land my broom at the back of the school. Hopefully no one saw a 14 year old girl flying on a rotten old broom... I shake that thought out of my head and run into the school. For mortals, the inside of the school looks like any other school... but to us, we saw dark purple and silver hallways, filled with classrooms dealing from potions, to flying and to spells. I look around, searching for my friends.
I turn to see Benjamin, Bridgette, Tally, Amreen and Shaylessa waving me over. As I walk over, Tally and Selena run over to give me a hug, while Benjamin, Amreen, and Bridgette wait for me to come over, then give me a hug. "OMG! can you believe we're in HIGH SCHOOL?!?!" shrieks Tally. I look at Tally and smile, her and I liked a lot of the same things. She had long, wavy blond hair, with bright blue eyes, and was very tall. Bridgette winces at the scream. She and Amreen aren't really into the girly kind of stuff, more like the weird but funny type. Amreen had moved in to town 2 or 3 years ago, but she was very nice. She had long strait black hair with dark brown eyes, and was a medium size, like me. Bridgette and I knew each other since we we're born, so we basically were sisters. She had long dark brown hair, light blue eyes and was also my height. She really liked to wear the colour black, but sometimes she would surprise us with a blue sweater. Shaylessa was a party girl, loved to just have fun! She was also REALLY funny! She has short, curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, and has tanned skin. She's around the same height as Tally. Benjamin and I have gone to the same school in this town for a long time, but haven't really been close until last year. He has short bronze (yes, bronze) hair, and light blue eyes. He's a little shorter than me, but I try not to make fun of him too much!
"So what's your first period?" I ask. Turns out Tally and Benjamin have flying lessons, Bridgette and Amreen have history, and Shaylessa has Mystical Creatures with me! It's my favorite class, and I'm so exited! The first bell rings, so we all say our good-byes, and separate to our classes. Me and Shaylessa start talking on our way to Mystical Creatures when something catches my eye, or should I say, someONE catches my eye. Walking down the hall, is a tall boy, with short brown hair, green eyes, and tanned skin. I wanted to turn my head the other way, but i just... couldn't.
"Crystal? Helloooo??? Cmon! we're gonna be late!!!"
I shake my head out of the clouds to see Shaylessa staring at me, with an You-Look-So-Weird look. "S-sorry," I stutter, man, she must think I'm crazy! " What were you lookin- ohhhhhhh..." she starts to smile at me as "green eyes" passes by. "You like him!" Shaylessa says. "SHHHHHHH!!!!! Not so loud! He might hear you!!!" I whisper back at her.
"OMG Crystal! You LIKE him!!! Awwww!!! This could be the next Romeo and Juliette! But cooler, because you can do cute little spells on each other!!!"
"Shaylessa! SHUT UPPPPP!!!!" I scream. The hall goes silent, everyone is staring at me like I'm in my underwear or something. I'm about to run down the hall and hide in the bathroom when.
It's the late bell!
Everyone scrambles to there classrooms, while I start to thank God. Saved by the bell... literally... "Crystal! We're late for first period! come on!"
Oh, right... Shaylessa and I start to run for it. We burst into the doors of the Mystical Creatures, to have everyone staring at us. Wow... I think, De-Ja-Vu...
Mrs. Demgiller stares at us, then finally speaks. "Ahem, thank you for joining us ladies, please take a seat. I wont make you get a detention slip because it's the first day of school, but don't make a habit of it."
Me and Shaylessa take our seat, and our first class begins.
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Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Fiksi RemajaUsually when teens go into Highschol, they learn algebra and science and family living, but when it's Chrystal and her friends turn, they learn about potions, flying, and spells! And with boy drama on top of it all, it's hard to be a teenage witch!