A Storms coming

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Your Pov...
I stretched out in the bed only to feel cold wrinkled sheets. I got up and looked over on the other side of the bed where Kylie once laid I rolled my eyes when I didn't see her clothes or her anywhere in the room.

I get out of the bed walking into the bathroom naked and turn on the shower as I wait for the water to get warm,once it was warm enough I stepped into the shower. As I wash my body I can't help to smile as all the memories rush back from last night with Kylie.

Stepping out the shower I wrap the heated towels around my waist, going to the sink brushing my teeth and doing the rest of my morning routine to get ready for my day.

Once I'm dressed I walked out my room instantly smelling bacon and pancakes being cooked. I made it downstairs But stop when I hear Kylie on the phone

"I don't know khole its different with Y/N he's so sweet and caring like its crazy and he isn't my boyfriend. Like I'm doing things for him that I didn't do for anyone else. Im down here in his robe with nothing under cooking for him, and I'm still sore from last night." I smile at her statement and mentally high five myself.

"Kylie oh my god what he got you dick whipped already" khole laughs out softly I walk into the kitchen quietly without Kylie noticing me. I  wrapped my arms around her slim waist. She jumps slightly but calms down once I start leaving open mouth kisses on her neck.

""Hold on ill call you back later" kylie says showing me on the FaceTime.

"Mhm hey Y/n" khole laughs hanging up on her sister.
Kylie turns in my arms softly and looks up at me.       " Good morning babe how'd you sleep?" she asked running her hands through my damp hair.

" I slept great how about you" I reply kissing her neck as she moans softly wrapping her arms around my neck. I tap her leg softly once she realizes what I want she jumps and wraps her legs around my waist. But our make out session is cut short when the doorbell rings.

We both groan and pull away from each other. Before I go to the door I take my shirt off handing it to kylie and start walking to the door. I turn and make sure kylies covered then open the door to my house. I sigh when I see the mailman at the door I take the package sign off on it and close the door after giving him a thank you.

I carry the heavy packages into the living room leaving them there already knowing what it is. I walk back to the kitchen sitting on one of the bar stools at the islands.

After kylie fixed my plate she sat down next to me laying her head on my shoulder. " Who was at the door" she questioned looking through her Instagram.

"Just the mail man dropping off the rest of my tour march" i said kissing her head softly.

" You're not going to eat babe" i questioned the shorter girl as she continues going through her Instagram.

" Nah i don't really like French toast I'm more of a pancake kinda girl" she says going through her messages.

"Why you cook french toast then" I laugh.

"Because you like them" she shrugs kissing my head getting up to wash my plate.

-3/4 weeks later-

Kylies pov

So its been about three or four weeks since me and Y/N had sex and I gained a little weight and been throwing up in the morning.

So I'm on the way to the store to get a pregnancy test just to be safe. As I pull up to the store I can't help but to get nervous.

I quickly get out the car pulling the hood to Y/N's hoodie over my head so that the flashes from the paparazzi cameras don't blind me  I walk into the store going straight into the isles where the pregnancy test are, i pick up 4 of them and go to the register.

Your pov -4:50pm-

I pause the game when i hear my phone start to ring,I look at the caller i.d and smile when i see kylies name pop up. i toss the ps4 controller on the couch and answer the phone.

"Hello?" i say into the phone "hey um can i come over we need to talk"she says quietly

"Yeah sure you have the key, you ok ky" i ask guinely worried about kylie.

"Um idk Y/N ill figure it out when i get there" with that she hangs up.I just shrug and go through some emails as i wait for kylie to pull up.

Time skip -8:24pm-

"Y/N" you hear a faint voice in your half asleep state

"get up, we need to talk" the voice says.

" I'm up baby whats wrong" i groan turning to face the girl sitting next to you.

"Well um, you know how I'm always telling you about having kids and starting a family and stuff right" kylie whispers softly as she moves to lay on my chest running her fingers up and down my arm knowing that it claims me down.

"Yeah we talk about it all the time" I say laughing at her cuteness.

"Well I mean would you like to have a family with me" she ask's hiding more into your chest afraid of what the answer might be.

"I mean yeah of course but later on down the line once I get my shit together and once we figure out what we are. "I whisper running my fingers through her hair, after a moment of silence all kylie does is sigh.

"Ky whats wrong babes" I mumble getting concerned at how quiet she's being...its not like kylie to go quiet around me. Your broken out your thoughts when you feel little water droplets on your tee shirt.

"Babe whats wrong I ask leaning up in the bed so that we both are sitting up. "did i do-"

"Im pregnant Y/N and its yours" she blurts out out as she breaks out in tears.

"Ky baby there's nothing to worry about. We're having a baby you should be excited" I smile pulling the younger girl into my arms.

"You're not mad" kylie questioned whipping some of her tears on my hoodie.

"No I'm not mad I'm having a baby with someone I really care about why would I be mad" I laughed looking down at kylie.

"Because you said later on down the line" she repeated me frowning after.

"Well hey...god had something else planned for us" I kissed her cheek rubbing her stomach softly.

"I love you Y/n" kylie mumbled making me freeze.

"You love me?" I ask looking down at kylie shocked because we haven't said I love you's yet.

"Yes I love you...I love you so fucking much" kylie smiles pecking my lips.

"I love you too baby" I smiled pecking her cheek.

"Holy fuck we're having a fucking baby" I screamed coming to realization.

"Yes babe we're having a baby and I got that on record" kylie laughs leaning back into my chest.

Authors notes-Let me know if y'all want a part two.

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