02- dorbyn • i think i love you

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guess who hasn't published these in almost 2 months—
this girl
anywho i literally just wrote this an im too lazy to proofread but hey i think this is cOol


daniel rolled in his bed, groaning at the springs that prodded at the skin of his back. his mind was racing, each thought given no second to process. he was confused.

when his eyes closed, he found an electrifying blue, the eyes of his best friend. deep, oceanic, beautiful.

then came the hair, almost pillowy with soft tufts of bleach dusted over. the laugh— who was he kidding?— just the sound of corbyn's voice.


daniel tugged at his hair, this wasn't supposed to happen. he didn't know if corbyn even liked males. this was becoming too much.

the following day held lunch, an daniel was sat at the table with sleep tracing his knowledge. he was tired, restless from last night. all of the thoughts on corbyn kept him up, and he began to ache.

corbyn, sitting across from the brunet, noticed this. "are you alright? we can head out of here if you'd like. they wouldn't mind."

just the gentle touch of his hand reaching for daniel's upper arm, god. the heat radiated across his skin, flourishing in goosebumps beneath the fabric of his sweater. daniel swallowed, jolting slightly with a dazed look to the blond.


"do you want to head out to the spot? it's— it's getting a little loud in here, is all." corbyn covered his worry, looking around the bumbling cafeteria as an excuse.

the spot was a specific tree outside of the field, the simple thought of the area caused for daniel to nod.

"here, lay down." corbyn suggested, already sat down against the tree as daniel removed his backpack. just to ensure his suggestion, corbyn moved his legas apart and patted his abdomen. daniel would often give an absurd reaction, but he simply settled down against the blond.

the position was unbelievably comfortable, and corbyn removed daniel's hood to run his fingers through the locks of brown. this action caused for daniel's eyes to close on impact, it was entirely blissful.

"are you stressed, dan?" corbyn asked, sighing out in relief at the relaxed expression that began to fall across the brunet's features.

daniel hummed in response, breaths gentle with his lips parted. corbyn was sure he was almost asleep, and that caused for his heart to swell.

he decided not to ask on what it was, as that would stir daniel. but for the meantime, corbyn focused on the features that someone may not notice. the specific things, particularly his favourite aspects of daniel.

corbyn knew the bell was going to ring, but he had no care. there was an angel sprawled in his lap, which was much more important at the moment. the blond moved his hands to lock behind his head, looking up through the splotches of leaves. he could feel daniel move, which caused for him to tense slightly in shock.

he prayed daniel wouldn't wake.

thankfully— he hadn't. but instead, the boy murmured something inaudible into corbyn's shirt. daniel was somewhat conscious, nestled comfortably against corbyn. his mind still danced, and he prayed that the blond wouldn't catch the burn in daniel's face as he spoke.

"i think i love you."



really like how i said 'i'll put a happy one up tomorrow' sksksk been a whiLe

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