06- dorbyn • cold

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no editing so this could suck but i wanted to post so eff it

corbyn's shoulders dropped at the news of their manager, stating that they had to take their items and stay in a hotel for the night. apparently their bus wasn't ready yet, but it would be for tomorrow.

the boys quickly separated into pairs, jonah and eben, zach and jack, and corbyn with daniel.

it didn't take long for them to have the keys to their rooms, all parting with similar words of 'goodnight' as the group split. corbyn stuck close to daniel, not having fully payed attention due to how tired he'd been.

when daniel unlocked the door, corbyn was quick to drop his bags and run for a bed as his face met a soft duvet, breath exiting his body in sync with the way he'd sunk into the fabric below.

daniel released a laugh when he saw the blond's placement, dropping his own bags near corbyns with the decision to crash on top of the boy.

corbyn released a quiet groan when daniel's weight was abruptly dropped onto him, giggling shortly after as he could hear daniel sigh comfortably.

"get up, loser, i need a shower." corbyn's arm was trapped beneath them both, feeling daniel's breath against his neck caused him to grow restless.

"you're comfy," daniel whined, rolling over on the bed in compliance as corbyn rolled in the opposite direction, both facing the ceiling.

corbyn sat up as he glanced to daniel, resting against his palms as he could see the content look on his face, not wanting to star for long the elder stood to rummage through his bags.

"i shouldn't be in the shower for long, do you need to get in before i do?" corbyn raised a brow, clothes bundled in his hands as he looked at the relaxed body on the bed, eyes beginning to dart around. daniel made him nervous.

"no, i'm good, you carry on."

just before the blond stepped into the bathroom, he glanced back at daniel, "please don't fall asleep in todays clothes, you were in a horrible mood the last time it happened."

daniel smiled, nodding as he gave a playful eye roll. "don't worry, bub." corbyn gave a shy smile as he closed the door, laying his clothes on the toilet lid before stripping down himself, ready to get the shower over with so he could go to bed.

the blond stepped into the shower, toying with the settings as he figured it had been set to a warm temperature, only to find cold water sputtering from the shower head as it started up. he waited a moment, but when the water only seemed to get colder he tampered with the settings once again. corbyn gave up over time, seeming to have made it much colder for himself as he stepped into the chilling waters with defeat and quickly began to wash up.

to say corbyn was cold was an understatement.

he left the shower with a slight tremble in his body, as he never liked the cold often anyways; sometimes, on the warmest day, corbyn could be seen with a sweater on if he thought the dull winds were cold.

the blond hurried to dry himself, pulling a shirt over his head even though he could feel the places it had stuck to him from the water and continued to do so with his final articles. daniel was sat on his phone, glancing up when corbyn exited the bathroom.

"the shower was freezing," he mumbled, dropping the clothes he'd previously worn as daniel got a good look at the boy. corbyn's hands covered his upper arms, crossed over his chest in an attempt to gain warmth. the baggy t-shirt and pyjama pants certainly didnt do much help, seeing as the blond was nearly shivering from his experience.

"my sweater's on top of my luggage if you want it." he suggested, watching corbyn pick up the article and gratefully tug it over his head. the blond took his phone and charger from his bag, settling in bed as daniel glanced over once the device was plugged in.

"you ready to go to bed?" he asked, eyes tracing over corbyn's face wearily. he knew how much corbyn hated the cold, silently questioning if there was anything he could possibly do to help.

corbyn nodded in daniel's direction, watching as the brunet settled into the mattress the same way he had. the only difference at that moment was how daniel was shirtless, propped on one elbow with his hand raised to the lamp in a way that displayed his body deliciously.

"y-yeah, yeah, i might stay on my phone a little longer, but you can turn out the lights."

corbyn didn't know whether it was how cold he'd been or how flustered and nervous he felt, but he stuttered, and that caused his cheeks to grow an unnoticeable tint.

daniel muttered a 'good night,' turning away from corbyn and allowing the covers to rest at his waist. corbyn wasn't on his phone for much longer after that, shutting it off and slinking down beneath the covers as he cursed himself for the remaining cold that radiated in his body.

the blond laid still as he tried to tear his mind from how cold his limbs were, hoping simply the blankets would soon warm him with body heat and he could fall asleep peacefully. when glancing at the clock, it was nearing twelve in the morning, and he knew better than to torture himself.

corbyn could feel nerves begin to fill his chest like butterflies. "daniel, a-are you still awake?"

daniel turned in the bed, their eyes meeting as the brunet gave a quiet hum, propping on his forearm once again. "anything wrong?"

corbyn could feel his face begin to warm, hands working to cover themselves with the elongated sleeves at the nervousness and embarrassment that overruled other emotions.

"i— uhm, it's really c-cold... can i uh-um..."

corbyn didn't want to say the words, barely feeling his toes curl as daniel had thankfully understood what the blond was asking. "come over, corbs."

daniel's arm lifted, the corner of the blanket being taken with it as corbyn left his bed, carefully climbing in beside daniel. when the blanket was draped back over his body, the blond could easily feel how much warmer daniel's bed had been.

corbyn nestled against daniel's pillows, feeling as the younger's hand patted against the blankets, finding corbyn's linked fingers as he carefully took corbyn's hands in his own. the brunet found his eyes widening at how cold the touch was, releasing corbyn's hands as he carefully trailed a hand down to the hem of corbyn's shirt and sweater.

"god, how cold was the shower?" daniel's brows furrowed, corbyn's face heating as daniel's hand snaked beneath his torso's clothing, gently rubbing against the chilled skin.

"i-i don't know, i couldn't get it to be warm..." corbyn shivered as daniel's touch rubbed across his waist, eyes meeting daniels with nerves dancing in his skin.

"c'mere," was the final thing muttered before daniel pulled corbyn on top of him. the blond released a squeak, clutching onto daniel's biceps while the younger covered their shoulders with the duvet. "you're freezing."

both hands had now snuck beneath corbyn's clothing, rubbing the skin slowly as the blond relaxed on top of him. daniel wished for corbyn to be safe and comfortable and warm, and he hoped that he was doing a good enough job in maintaining the heat of his body.

"you're warm..." corbyn muttered, eyes fluttering shut as he shifted on top of daniel. the brunet relaxed a little, removing on hand to gently comb through the damp locks.

"do you want the duvet from your bed, too? it's not much to ge—"

"no, you.. just you." the blond nestled against daniel's bare chest, muscles relaxing at the radiated warmth he received. with daniel's hands on his back and tangling in his hair, he'd felt at home. he never asked for cuddles often, but relished whenever they were given.

"tell me if you get cold, alright, sugar?"

corbyn gave a soft smile at the name, too tired to respond as he yawned with a mere nod. daniel smiled at the cuteness of the older, both hands gently wrapping around corbyn and meeting at his back, holding him close as his eyes shut. "sweet dreams, blondie."

wc: 1416

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