09- all • here's to four years

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where the boys celebrate four years at the studio.

"zach, bubba, c'mon! wake up, just for a second."

zach groaned, stretching out before curling back up into himself. his head nestled against the armrest of the couch, breathing out into the sofa.

"c'mon, z, pretty please."

a hand began to rub at his leg, realizing now that his feet were in someone's lap as he squinted and turned to lay regularly on the couch.

he rubbed at his eyes, blinking slowly as he could catch the blur of corbyn, where his legs were sprawled across his lap. corbyn's thumb ran over his knee, smiles sent in his direction.

"promise it's worth it, bear. let's get up, yeah?"

zach reluctantly moved his feet from corbyn's legs, sitting up straight and rolling his shoulders back. "what is it?"

jonah silenced his coo, smiling at the gentle sparkle of confusion in zach's irises. he took zach's hands, taking him up from the couch and into his arms to sway them slowly.

"is it time, d?" corbyn's voice chimed out, shuffling past jonah and zach as he hurried over to daniel and jack, keeping an eye on the clock.

"almost." daniel smiled as corbyn's arm wrapped around his shoulder, feeling a small peck to his forehead.

"oh come on, can't we all just hug already? you're all being cute without me." jack huffed, receiving quiet, breathy chuckles in response as daniel just shrugged.

he and corbyn were quick to part, having the same idea in mind as their arms stretched out and they collected jack from his loneliness.

zach was dozing in jonah's arms, startled by the sudden weight as his eyes snapped open. jack's arms were around jonah and him, followed by corbyn, and after that daniel.

"stay awake a little longer, baby." daniel whispered, lips pressing to the cuff of his ear while zach relished the warmth of all his boys surrounding him.

"i really do love you guys, y'know." corbyn's cheek rested on jonah's shoulder. "even if i may not show it enough."

"corbyn, it doesn't matter how much it's shown, it doesn't need to be there physically." jonah's head leaned toward his.

"we know you love us, lune." daniel muttered, eyes meeting corbyn's as they couldn't be any closer than they were.

corbyn smiled at the nickname, loving how easily it could fall off daniel's lips. lune.

jack's lips pursed, a small smile forming as his heart seemed to stretch ten times more than it had been. his eyes were glossy, feeling incredibly emotional given the circumstances.

"i love you all so much."

his voice was quiet, teeth nibbling into his bottom lip as his head crashed onto zach's collarbone. as many times as the boys had seen him cry before, he didn't want them to see him, not this time.

daniel caught it easily, palm running over jack's back as he leaned into the back of zach's head.

it was muffled, taking in the youngest's scent as he was cradled by the rest of the band, but everybody could hear it.

"i love you all more than any words can explain."

zach smiled, hearing a small alarm as the hug only tightened around him.

"love you." he muttered, forcing his eyes open while smiles graced the other male's faces.

truth be told, they thought zach was asleep. it didn't matter, though. he was still included.

him being awake just made it even better.

"here's to four years, boys. i love you."

jonah's voice was really the last thing heard between them. the alarm died out, leaving five patterns of breathing to fill silence.

the best four years i could ever ask for.

w.c 604

ik this is short and its not my best work but i did want to put something out in contribution to the boys cause they've helped me through a lot of my ups and downs and im so proud of how far theyve come

ik this is short and its not my best work but i did want to put something out in contribution to the boys cause they've helped me through a lot of my ups and downs and im so proud of how far theyve come

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like cmon lookat how much theyve grown its crazy 🤧

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like cmon lookat how much theyve grown its crazy 🤧

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