― 16. rescue

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                      "SIGNORE, THE Fiorentino's are attacking!! We have the warehouse handled, we have men heading to the church

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"SIGNORE, THE Fiorentino's are attacking!! We have the warehouse handled, we have men heading to the church.. to the library as well, and we made sure to secure Signorina D'Antonio and Signore Adams." in came a young man about twenty, out of breath and shaking; he's gripping an AR as he rushes the news to his boss. Santino sits straight up and the cigar is discarded almost immediately.

"What about the two girls? Signorina Adams and Otani." Santino replies with newfound panic clawing at his chest. It had taken him a few seconds to truly comprehend what the goon said to him; but then it clicks. Pippa's in danger.

"We're assuming they're at the Continental sir."

"Okay." he's up and grabbing his suit jacket. He looks put together with his three piece on; but he doesn't feel good. He feels ready to take down anyone who gets in his way until he can get to the woman who has taken his heart.

Santino heads to the vault in the wall behind a painting. After punching in the code, it opens to reveal a wide selection of guns. There's a dark look in his eyes as he puts a gun holster around his waist. He then grabs a glock 17 along with matching magazines to the favored gun. There isn't enough time to worry about bringing every proper weapon he can think of, he'll have to hope there's more in his car. The gun slides effortlessly onto his side as he closes the vault.

"Signore? Do you need us-"

"No. Put your efforts elsewhere don't worry about me." Santino is practically out the door, but stops as his focus is being interrupted. An annoyed look is gracing his facial features; he's gripping into the door handle, jaw clenching at the nervous idiot in front of him.

"But Signore-"

"Do not argue with me. Don't you have more pressing matters to attend to?" Santino spits as he abruptly leaves.

A wake of destruction will be left behind him if anyone else tries to stop him. And clearly everyone received that message as every bodyguard and member of the Camorra mafia steps aside; like the red sea parting. Santino walks with determination, or maybe desperation, trying to escape the closing in walls of his mansion. The thought of Pippa getting hurt because of his dealings against the Fiorentino's makes him fill with anger the more he thinks about it.

Rumors have surely reached his enemies about the growing love affair between him and the London Continental's daughter- which most definitely means they'll use her to get to him. Which is the stupidest idea that has every graced their tiny minds. It won't end well for them.

A sleek, silver Lamborghini sits in bright contrast to the eerie night sky waiting to be used. Under the stars in the nice cool summer night, it seems like there isn't a problem in the world. It's silent and still outside while Santino's insides are screaming in pain for one girl. He's at the car in seconds as he left his mansion in minutes. The fresh leather interior hits him full force as he gets into the drivers seat; and to his relief an AR sits nicely on the passenger side

Infatuation // Santino D'AntonioWhere stories live. Discover now