― 13. eye of the beholder

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                            SANTINO D'ANTONIO is a cruel man; and if anyone tries to tell you differently, they're lying

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SANTINO D'ANTONIO is a cruel man; and if anyone tries to tell you differently, they're lying. Money, power- hell even if he didn't want this life to begin with, he's grown accustomed and is living it out perfectly. Now, if you want to talk to someone who sees a different side of him then it would be Pippa. She's probably one of the only people in the world that he shows a semblance of kindness to, that he genuinely cares for. Santino loves Pippa and he wants to give her the whole world, and he'd rather die than see her hurt.

He is in fact a hard man to pin down, to understand. He's a man who believes tradition is the enemy to progress. Because of that he is driven to have his way and see his goals be completed. Opinions of others have never mattered to him, he is practically untouchable.

Then there's the reality of Pippa. Santino is such a rich and powerful man, he knows it, yet she makes him feel utterly powerless. He wants to worship her, to take care of her, and most importantly (and probably first) make her his.

There's about a week left until Pippa will probably have to leave, and Santino doesn't want to think about saying goodbye and not having her in his grasp. He's used to control and knowing everthing; now he won't be able to keep as close of an eye on her as he has. Over three weeks of knowing this stunning girl has changed him and he believes it to be for the good. He feels a connection with her and he prays she does too. But he knows she does. He's a prideful man. How could she not be in love with him too? The secretive glances, blushing, and all the hesitant talks. She exudes the likeness of a girl crushing on a boy. Normally any sort of relationship for him would be quick and not mean a single thing to him; more than likely it'd be a one night stand. But now, everything is different (probably because he's gotten older).

But for the first time he truly knows what love feels like, so he now knows he's been missing it all his life.

Santino is making his way to meet Matteo and Lorenzo at a favorite restaurant of theirs, a guard of his clutching an umbrella for him. It's a dull day with soft patters of rain hitting the ground and dark clouds rumbling above. Rain means less people will be out and it's holding true. Santino is stoic as he watches anyone who passes by as they make their way inside an old looking building. Inside is decked head to toe with golds and silvers, chandeliers and leather bound furniture. Everyone inside is in fine dresses and suits, only the high class.

Near the back is a private table seating three people, two of them he'd been expecting to see, but the woman is no suprise. Angela is gripping Matteo's arm as she seems to be telling the two a story. Glasses are in front of them but have not been touched.

"Boss," Lorenzo grins as Santino walks over to their table and takes a seat, "you're late."

"Had an important matter to tend to." he says in response.

"Pippa?" Lorenzo says with the biggest grin on his face.

   Santino sends him a dangerous glare, "watch it."

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