― 05. under the stars

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                   IT WAS seven p

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IT WAS seven p.m. on the dot when there'd been a knock on the suite door. Now Pippa finds herself being escorted into an elevator of an extremely lavish building. Nerves tingle throughout her body as she struggles to stand still between the two guards. Her fingers are fidgety and she grows more impatient with each passing moment. In a few moments she's going to see Santino in a more intimate setting, his home apparently.

She hears her footsteps echo loudly as they walk down the hall towards a crisp black door against pure white walls. Every second feels like a millennium as they approach. Her stomach's a jumbled mess as she worriedly thinks about everything tonight may entail— and seeing Santino again. Last night had been joyous she doesn't want too high of expectations only for them to not be met. However something tells her that won't possibly be the case.

Oh and the flat's stunning. Big and bright; modern light fixtures and chandeliers. Beautiful paintings that are probably one of a kind and worth more than her life. Pippa's mouth is slightly agape as she looks from flowers, to sculptures, to everything else rich people owned. Her fingers yearn to run along the sides of furniture and countertops as the guards shuffle her into the kitchen area. She's now able to look out over a wide open space with large windows, a living room, and a grand staircase to the side. A penthouse built for a king- or leader of one of the world's biggest mafias.

Now she finds herself left to her own devices, feeling awkward and vulnerable in a new space. She's looking around taking every detail in of where she is. A beautiful flat that she'd love to live in. However, Pippa laughs to herself reminding her she's far too messy and carefree for a place like this.

A sudden familiar voice drags her back to reality as her head snaps in its direction.

"Bella, you've made it. I hope the men were kind enough. I would have come, but I had some things to attend to." Santino is descending down the stairs in a glorious fashion. He's in his normal wear- three piece suit, and he looks great. Pippa looks down scuffing her feet against the tile because she feels a wave of emotion hit her seeing him. And she's feeling underdressed in a tee shirt and jeans.

"Oh it's fine." she's blushing with his firm gaze on her tiny figure. It feels unreal to be seeing him again and so soon, she hopes he doesn't expect much from her too.

Santino glides over to her with ease and confidence. He's in the kitchen within moments, walking up to her, "Good." now within inches of her he takes her hand from her side and pulls it to his lips, "glad to see you." he mumbles against her skin.

"Is that just... an Italian thing?" Pippa blushes. She loves every time he kisses the top of her hand, it makes her feel special even if it's just a customary thing to do.

"Suppose so, it's polite." he warmly chuckles, "and you like it."

Pippa looks away with a shy giggle not wanting to look at him or admit anything. Would anyone have the guts to admit they enjoy something so intimate to such an attractive man? Not her.

Infatuation // Santino D'AntonioWhere stories live. Discover now