― 21. friday night blues

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                    WHEN YOUR family is in a mafia you're limited to what you can do, but there's a chance you'll never need to worry

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WHEN YOUR family is in a mafia you're limited to what you can do, but there's a chance you'll never need to worry. But when your family controls the mafia of your country- it's different. 1) Pippa had always been banned from partying to where she'd end up on the London streets drunk. 2) No boys that have not been approved. 3) Don't give the bodyguards the slip. Pippa's grandfather thought those basic outlined rules would help keep her safe and out of more trouble. However, as much of a worrier Pippa is, people should know she has a tendency to disobey, still having her rose colored glasses on.

   She wonders often how she'll actually get her freedom, it's obvious Pippa can't get it for herself.

   But nights like these- she thinks she runs the world.

Thinks she can forget her mom. Her responsibilities. Even Santino. Her promise 'not to do anything stupid' to him too. And tonight her behavior would be nowhere acceptable for a girl being courted- but she doesn't know that.

It's close to ten o'clock that night; and Pippa and Nana are at Jack's apartment. Random bottles of half drank wine, vodka, and gin are strewn in the kitchen and the living room. It's a collection started from many nights out needing new stuff, people leaving their alcohol, and have to try the next best thing. Shot glasses and regular glasses are lined up next to the sink, and Nana is trying to hook up bluetooth. Tonight they're inviting lots of old college mates and family friends alike; hoping to throw a great time.

Pippa is dressed far from what Santino would consider elegant or acceptable. Her skirt rides up and she keeps having to readjust her top. Her face is already glowing from her second shot as she smiles wide watching Jack try to "baby proof" the living room. It's been far too long since everyone could get together and behave like they could just over a year ago. The three friends are practically bouncing off the wall trying to get ready.

"Think if anyone is super drunk and falls, will this like bash their skull in?" Jack takes a step back from his work asking,

"Nah, looks okay to me." Pippa responds staring at the corner of the fireplace and the stuff over it, "Nana how's the music comin'?"

Nana holds up her phone with a bright smile as she presses the play button. A familiar song they used to blast at their old apartment parties plays, "think pretty good if I do say so myself."

"Oh what a banger!"

Pippa is feeling utterly delightful, almost nostalgic, seeing the three of them like this. She has this stupid, tipsy, grin on her lips as her eyes glances between her friends. And in a few minutes more people she hasn't seen in awhile should be here. A tinge of chills runs down her spine as she wants to do a little dance (that's how hard it is for her to contain herself). The fact they've finally had leashes loosened on them from their parents to have a night to themselves, it'll be magical.

Infatuation // Santino D'AntonioWhere stories live. Discover now